Overview of Total Least Squares Methods
LIU Jingnan, ZENG Wenxian, XU Peiliang
2013, 38(5): 505-512.
Abstract PDF
Application of Opposition Technology in Image Segmentation of Chemical Reaction Optimization
ZHENG Zhaobao, ZHENG Hong
2013, 38(5): 513-516.
Abstract PDF
A New Hybrid Plane Segmentation Approach of Point Cloud
YAN Li, XIE Hong, HU Xiaobin, BAO Xiuwu
2013, 38(5): 517-521.
Abstract PDF
A Hierarchical Stereo Line Matching Method Based on a Triangle Constraint
ZHANG Yunsheng, ZHU Qing, WU Bo, ZOU Zhengrong
2013, 38(5): 522-527.
Abstract PDF
Method and Application of Ecological Environment Vulnerability Evaluation in Arid Oasis ——A Case Study of Turpan Oasis
XinjiangPEI Huan, FANG Shifeng, QIN Zhihao, HOU Chunliang
2013, 38(5): 528-532.
Abstract PDF
Remote Sensing Image Change Detection and Change Type Recognition Based on Spatiotemporal Relationship
LI Liang, SHU Ning, GONG Yan
2013, 38(5): 533-537.
Abstract PDF
Polarization Spectral Feature of Chlorophyll in the Water Body
ZHU Jin, WANG Xianhua, PAN Banglong, YE Hanhan
2013, 38(5): 538-542.
Abstract PDF
A Novel Dodging Algorithm for Remote Sensing Images Affected by Thin Clouds
SHEN Xiaole, SHAO Zhenfeng, YAN Beibei
2013, 38(5): 543-547.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic Monitoring of Vegetation NPP in Wuhan Based on MODIS
WANG Lunche, GONG Wei, ZHANG Miao, MA Yingying
2013, 38(5): 548-552.
Abstract PDF
Multi View Traffic Sign Recognition Based on ASIFT
CHEN Long, PAN Zhimin, LI Qingquan, XIAO Shilun
2013, 38(5): 553-556.
Abstract PDF
Research on the On orbit Geometric Calibration for ZY 3
CHEN Yifu, LIU Lu, ZHANG Chunling
2013, 38(5): 557-560.
Abstract PDF
Mathematic Model and Performance Comparison Between Ionosphere free Combined and Uncombined Precise Point Positioning
ZHANG Xiaohong, ZUO Xiang, LI Pan
2013, 38(5): 561-565.
Abstract PDF
Influence of the Receiver Antenna’Sradom to GPS Positioning Precision
JIANG Nan, XU Tianhe, XU Yan
2013, 38(5): 566-570.
Abstract PDF
Hyperbolic Settlement Model Based on Least squares Orthogonal Distances Fitting
XIANG Wei, GUO Jiming, FU Lu
2013, 38(5): 571-574.
Abstract PDF
A Random Order Point Set Matching Algorithm for Industrial Measurement Comparative Analysis
PAN Guorong, GUO Wei, ZHANG Peng
2013, 38(5): 575-579.
Abstract PDF
Auniversal Formula of Variance Component Estimation
ZHAO Jun, GUO Jianfeng
2013, 38(5): 580-583.
Abstract PDF
Computation of Direction Relations Between Object Groups Based on Direction Voronoi Diagram Model
WANG Zhonghui, YAN Haowen
2013, 38(5): 584-588.
Abstract PDF
Algorithm on the Real Time Adaptive Multi resolution Rendering of Terrain Using RSG Data
HANG Junfeng, FEI Lifan, LIU Wenyu
2013, 38(5): 589-593.
Abstract PDF
Influence of Resolutions of DEM on the Error of Slope
2013, 38(5): 594-598.
Abstract PDF
Parking Lot Extraction Method Based on Floating Car
DataLI Jun, QIN Qiming, YOU Lin, XIE Chao
2013, 38(5): 599-603.
Abstract PDF
Gird Pattern Recognition in Road Network Using rincipal Component Analysis
TIAN Jing, HE Qiu, ZHOU Mengjie
2013, 38(5): 604-607.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Interpolation Parameters in Multi Log Radial Basis Function on DEM Accuracy
ZHANG Jinming, YOU Xiong, WAN Gang
2013, 38(5): 608-612.
Abstract PDF
An Improved Algorithm of Point by Point Interpolation by Using Local Dynamic Optimal Delaunay Triangulation Network
DONG Jian, PENG Rencan, ZHENG Yidong
2013, 38(5): 613-617.
Abstract PDF
Parallel Rendering of Large scale DEM Based on Multi core CPU
CHEN Jingguang, SHE Jiangfeng, SONG Xiaoqun, WANG Tiecheng
2013, 38(5): 618-621.
Abstract PDF
Vectorization of Contour Line and Isobath from Tint Area in Combination Plate Map
CHEN Huanxin, SUN Qun, LIU Xingui, XU Li
2013, 38(5): 622-625.
Abstract PDF
Time Effectiveness in Trust Services Under Cloud Environment
GU Xin, XU Zhengquan, TU Hongtao, LIU Xiaojun
2013, 38(5): 626-630.
Abstract PDF