Geometric Orbit Determination of CHAMP Satellite and Dynamic Models' Compensation During Orbit Smoothing
LIU Jingnan, ZHAO Qile, ZHANG Xiaohong
2004, 29(1): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Urban Expansion Model Based on Cellular Automata of Decision-Making with Grey Situation
LIU Yaolin, LIU Yanfang, MING Dongping
2004, 29(1): 7-13.
Abstract PDF
A Seed Extension Method of Polygon Construction Based on Delaunay Triangulation
AI Tinghua, CHEN Tao
2004, 29(1): 14-19.
Abstract PDF
Study on Light Direction and Color in Hill-Shading
GUO Qingsheng, WANG Xiaoyan
2004, 29(1): 20-23,33.
Abstract PDF
Application of BP Networks Based on GASA Hybrid Strategy to Measuring and Calculating Base Land Prices
LAI Hongsong, DONG Pinjie, ZHU Guorui
2004, 29(1): 24-28.
Abstract PDF
Mathematical Definition of Geographical Space and Analysis of Limit Factors for Cartographic Symbols
2004, 29(1): 29-33.
Abstract PDF
Architectural 3D CAFM in CyberCity
LIU Qiang, LI Deren
2004, 29(1): 34-37.
Abstract PDF
Core and Function Design of GIS Componentware Based on OpenGIS Specifications
TAN Xiaojun, BIAN Fuling, HE Zhonghuan
2004, 29(1): 38-42.
Abstract PDF
Study of Three-Tier Frame for Open Representation of Geospatial Data in Web
ZHOU Wensheng, MAO Feng, HU Peng
2004, 29(1): 43-47.
Abstract PDF
Mobile Location Service Based on J2EE
CHEN Nengcheng, GONG Jianya, ZHU Xinyan, LIU Lin
2004, 29(1): 48-51.
Abstract PDF
Algorithm of Inverse Query on Time Series Data
DU Guoming, GONG Jianya, ZHU Jiasong
2004, 29(1): 52-54,62.
Abstract PDF
Fire Detection Based on EOS MODIS Data
LIU Liangming, YAN Junjie
2004, 29(1): 55-57.
Abstract PDF
εm-Band Based on Spline Fitting Function of Anomalous Curves in GIS
WANG Xinzhou, TANG Zhong'an, CHEN Zhihui
2004, 29(1): 58-62.
Abstract PDF
Covariance Function of Place Error for Map Digitizing Data
LAN Yueming, TAO Benzao
2004, 29(1): 63-66.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of InSAR Phase Unwrapping Algorithms and Error Analysis
XU Caijun, WANG Hua
2004, 29(1): 67-71.
Abstract PDF
Error Analysis in InSAR Data Processing
LI Zhenhong, LIU Jingnan, XU Caijun
2004, 29(1): 72-76.
Abstract PDF
A Continuous Data Stochastic Model of Gravimetry Boundary Value Problems
DENG Bo, ZHU Zhuowen, LU Zhong
2004, 29(1): 77-79.
Abstract PDF
Detecting Outliers and Filtering Noises in Multi-Beam Data
YANG Fanlin, LIU Jingnan, ZHAO Jianhu
2004, 29(1): 80-83.
Abstract PDF
A Class of New Independence Measures and Their Application to Blind Signal Separation
CHEN Yang, HE Zhenya
2004, 29(1): 84-88.
Abstract PDF
Identification of Nonlinear Hysteretic Systems with Slip by Extended Kalman Filter
LI Shujin, YU Hui
2004, 29(1): 89-92.
Abstract PDF