Analysis of Solar and Earth Albedo Radiation Pressure Models for GRACE on Their Performance
CHEN Runjing, PENG Bibo, GAO Fan, FAN Chengcheng
2013, 38(2): 127-130,243.
Abstract PDF
Postseismic Deformation Associated with the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake by GPS Data
DING Kaihua, XU Caijun, WEN Yangmao
2013, 38(2): 131-135.
Abstract PDF
Multi Adaptive Kalman Filtering with Particle Swarm Optimization
NIE Jianliang, CHENG Chuanlu, GUO Chunxi, JIANG Guangwei
2013, 38(2): 136-139.
Abstract PDF
Two Sets of GPS Almanac on Time-to-first-fix Influence
WANG Luxiao, HUANG Zhigang, ZHAO Yun
2013, 38(2): 140-143.
Abstract PDF
Ground-based GPS Tomography Spatial Water Vapor Distribution with Robust Variance Components Estimation
ZHANG Shuangcheng, ZHANG Pengfei, ZHANG Qin, YE Shirong
2013, 38(2): 144-147.
Abstract PDF
Prediction of Landslide Displacement Based on KPCA and PSO-SVR
PENG Ling, NIU Ruiqing, ZHAO Yannan, DENG Qinglu
2013, 38(2): 148-152,161.
Abstract PDF
Influencing Factors Analysis of Floor Water Invasion Prediction Model
QI Chunyan, QIU Guoqing, ZHANG Hairong
2013, 38(2): 153-156,247.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Preprocessing of Tidal Gravity Observation Data
XU Chuang, LUO Zhicai, LIN Xu, ZHOU Boyang
2013, 38(2): 157-161.
Abstract PDF
On Equivalence of Three Estimators for Outliers in Linear Mode
WANG Haitao, OU Jikun, YUAN Yunbin, GUO Jianfeng
2013, 38(2): 162-166.
Abstract PDF
Planar Target Location Based on the Zoning K-means Clustering
CHEN Xijiang, HUA Xianghong, YANG Ronghua, ZHANG Qinghua
2013, 38(2): 167-170.
Abstract PDF
Continuously Vertical Section Abstraction for Deformation Monitoring of Subway Tunnel Based on Terrestrial Point Clouds
TUO Lei, KANG Zhizhong, XIE Yuancheng, WANG Baoqian
2013, 38(2): 171-175,185.
Abstract PDF
Antenna Track Deformation Precise Measurement and Pointing Error Model
LI Yongjiang, AILI Yusup, ZHANG Zhenglu, AILI Esamdin
2013, 38(2): 176-180.
Abstract PDF
Boresight Misalignments Calibration of POS System Considering Synchronization Error
YAO Na, LIN Zongjian, REN Chaofeng, WANG Changzhou
2013, 38(2): 181-185.
Abstract PDF
Lunar Image Data Preprocessing and Quality Evaluation of CCD Stereo Camera on Chang'E-2
LIU Jianjun, REN Xin, TAN Xu, LI Chunlai
2013, 38(2): 186-190.
Abstract PDF
HOG-LBP Adaptable Fused Features Based Method for Forbidden Traffic Signs Detection
CHEN Long, PAN Zhimin, MAO Qingzhou, LI Qingquan
2013, 38(2): 191-194.
Abstract PDF
Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Based on SVM Posterior Probability and Improved Multi-scale MRF
SHI Qiang, CHEN Feng'e, MEI Tiancan, QIN Qianqing
2013, 38(2): 195-199.
Abstract PDF
A Local Information-based Kernelized OSP Method for Target Detection
WANG Ting, DU Bo, ZHANG Liangpei
2013, 38(2): 200-203,239.
Abstract PDF
QaR Tree Method for Optimal Image Particle Decomposing
SHAO Zhenfeng, ZHOU Xiran, LIU Jun
2013, 38(2): 204-207.
Abstract PDF
3D Reconstruction of Building Rooftops from LiDAR Data and Orthophoto
CHENG Liang, LI Manchun, GONG Jianya, SHAN Jie
2013, 38(2): 208-211,216.
Abstract PDF
Applications of ICA for Filtering of Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery
YU Jie, LIU Limin, LI Xiaojuan, ZHAO Zheng
2013, 38(2): 212-216.
Abstract PDF
Direct Expansions of Transformations Between Three Kinds of Latitudes Used in Map Projection
LI Houpu, BIAN Shaofeng, LIU Min
2013, 38(2): 217-220.
Abstract PDF
Multi-scale Representation Model for Contour Based on Fourier Series
LIU Pengcheng, AI Tinghua, BI Xu
2013, 38(2): 221-224.
Abstract PDF
Linear Geometric Coding of Complicated 3D Building Models
SUN Xuan, YANG Bisheng, LI Qingquan, JIANG Shaobo
2013, 38(2): 225-229.
Abstract PDF
Integrated Representation and Description of Natural-language Spatial Relations Between a Line and an Area
HUANG Xueping, DENG Min, WU Jing, MA Hangying
2013, 38(2): 230-234.
Abstract PDF
Computing River Storage Based on Cellular Automata
WANG Wei, LI Xin, CHEN Nengcheng, LIU Jingbo
2013, 38(2): 235-239.
Abstract PDF
An Evaluation Framework of Farmland Preservation Policy Impacts: a Scenario Simulation Approach
YU Yan, HE Jianhua, LIU Yaolin
2013, 38(2): 240-243.
Abstract PDF
Offline Map-matching for Archived Probe Vehicle Data
LI Qiang, CAO Peng, MIAO Lixin
2013, 38(2): 244-247.
Abstract PDF
A Channel Assignment Algorithm Based on Interference Avoiding in Wireless Mesh Networks
HUANG Shuqiang, FU Zhongliang
2013, 38(2): 248-251.
Abstract PDF