Generalized Point Photogrammetry and Its Application
ZHANG Zuxun, ZHANG Jianqing
2005, 30(1): 1-5.
Abstract PDF
Land Cover Characteristics in NDVI-Ts Space Based on Remotely Sensed Data
CHENG Yunhao DU Peijun LI Xiaobing SHI Peijun, , ,
2005, 30(1): 11-14.
Abstract PDF
Texture Characteristic Coding Based on Multispectral Image
LIU Nan, SHU Ning
2005, 30(1): 15-18.
Abstract PDF
Method for Unsupervised Remote Imagery Classification Based on Independent Component Analysis
YI Yaohua, YU Changhui, QIN Qianqing, GONG Jianya
2005, 30(1): 19-22.
Abstract PDF
Boundary Detection Based on Prediction
WANG Hui LU Jian,
2005, 30(1): 23-26.
Abstract PDF
Remote Sensing Information Extraction Based on Vegetation Fraction in Drought and Half-Drought Area
NIU Baoru, LIU Junrong, WANG Zhengwei
2005, 30(1): 27-30.
Abstract PDF
An Optimal Digital Model on Representing the Surface of Hand Wrist
WANG Shoubin, WANG Xinzhou, HONG Guangxiang, HUANG Qishun
2005, 30(1): 31-33.
Abstract PDF
Crustal Deformation Corrections for the Combined Adjustment of Astro-geodetic Net with GPS 2000 Net in China
XU Caijun, WANG Hua, CHENG Pengfei, ZHANG Li
2005, 30(1): 34-37.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of CHAMP Satellite Orbit with SLR Measurements
QIN Xianping, JIAO Wenhai, CHENG Luying, HUO Liye
2005, 30(1): 38-41.
Abstract PDF
Fast Determination of the Vertical Deflection and Its Precision Analysis of Any Point on the Land and Sea in China
SUN Fenghua, WU Xiaoping, ZHANG Chuanding
2005, 30(1): 42-46.
Abstract PDF
Application of Simulated Geoid to GPS-Leveling Interpolation
LOU Lizhi, HSU Houtze
2005, 30(1): 47-50.
Abstract PDF
Motivity of Spatial Urban Expansion by Cellular Automata Model——Taking Analysis of Wuhan Spatial Urban Expansion as an Example
LUO Minghai
2005, 30(1): 51-55.
Abstract PDF
Metadata Classified Management Mechanism Based on Data Grid
ZHANG Jianhua, GUAN Jihong, WANG Leichun, ZHANG Jun
2005, 30(1): 56-60.
Abstract PDF
A Criterion of Shape Similarity Between Line Segments for Clustering Analysis of Geographical Area Entities
YANG Chuncheng, ZHANG Qingpu, TIAN Xiangchun, HE Liesong
2005, 30(1): 61-64.
Abstract PDF
Relationship of Uncertainty Between Polygon Segment and Line Segment for Spatial Data in GIS
LIU Chun, SHI Wenzhong, LIU Dajie
2005, 30(1): 65-68.
Abstract PDF
Planned Evolution and Variation on Two-Dimensional Map in GIS
HE Zhonghuan, BIAN Fuling
2005, 30(1): 69-72.
Abstract PDF
Application of PPGIS to Siting Nuclear Waste Disposal Facility in Canada
LIU Zhengrong
2005, 30(1): 73-76.
Abstract PDF
Component GIS Software Development Based on Design Pattern
TU Jianguang, BIAN Fuling
2005, 30(1): 77-81.
Abstract PDF
Regional Division Algorithm Based on Conceptual Clustering and Attribute-Oriented Induction
TIAN Yangge, BIAN Fuling
2005, 30(1): 86-88.
Abstract PDF
Sunlight Analysis Model Based on 3DCM
LI Chaokui, ZHU Qing, CHEN Songlin, HAN Yongshun
2005, 30(1): 89-92.
Abstract PDF