Spherical Harmonic Synthesis on Satellite Gravity Gradient Component
Luo Zhicai, Ning Jinsheng, Chao Dingbo
1996, 21(2): 103-108.
Abstract PDF
Computation of the Earth's Internal Flattening and Some Other Physical Parameters
Guo Junyi, Huang Jinshui, Zhang Feipeng
1996, 21(2): 109-114.
Abstract PDF
Strain Analysis of the National Astrogeodetic Network
Qiu Weining, Wang Xinzhou, Chen Shiyin
1996, 21(2): 115-119,133.
Abstract PDF
Study on Periodic Errors of Lacoste and Romberg G Gravity Meters
Dang Yamin, Qiu Qixian, Xu Shan
1996, 21(2): 120-123.
Abstract PDF
Neural Network Based Vector Quantizer and Lossy Compressed Coding on Remotely Sensed Image
Shen Weiming, Qiu Tong, Zeng Yong, Zhang Hua
1996, 21(2): 124-127.
Abstract PDF
Data Structure in 3D Geographic Information Systems
Li Qingquan, Li Deren
1996, 21(2): 128-133.
Abstract PDF
Accuracy Indicators for Estimating Positional Error of Area Primitives in GIS
Li Deren Peng, Meiyun, Zhang Juqing
1996, 21(2): 134-138,144.
Abstract PDF
A Renewal Operation of N1NF Temporal Databases
Huang Mingzhi, Zhang Zuxun
1996, 21(2): 139-144.
Abstract PDF
On the Universal Expert System for Remotely Sensed Image Understanding
Shu Ning
1996, 21(2): 145-149,182.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Name Placement by Mathematical Morphology
Ma Fei
1996, 21(2): 150-153.
Abstract PDF
Fractal-based Expression of Landform
Yang Yurong
1996, 21(2): 154-158.
Abstract PDF
A Study on the Fractal Interpolation of DEM and Its Experimentation
Wang Qiao, Long Yi, Qin Jianrong
1996, 21(2): 159-162.
Abstract PDF
A Preliminary Study on the Theory Construction Model of Comparative Process
Zhong Yexun, Nie Hongyou
1996, 21(2): 163-166.
Abstract PDF
A GIS Approach to the Land Suitability Evaluation
Zhan Qingming, Zhou Jie, Xiao Yinghui
1996, 21(2): 167-171.
Abstract PDF
Precision Determination of the Best Imaging Position of CCD Array of Space Camera with Optical Transfer Function
Liu Minghua, Yu Mozhi, He Ping'an, He Duiyan
1996, 21(2): 172-175.
Abstract PDF
The Modulation Transfor Function of Charge-coupled Devices
Zheng Lin, Zhong Sidong, He Duiyan
1996, 21(2): 176-182.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Indoor Inspection of Level's Synthetic Deviation
Shi Xuanting, Tang Wuhao
1996, 21(2): 183-185.
Abstract PDF
Hardware System for Measuring Length and Width of Steel-plates
He Saixian, Zhong Sidong, Wang Xinhua, He Duiyan
1996, 21(2): 186-189.
Abstract PDF
The Implementation of Vector Chinese Characters in Windows Envieronment
Wang Wei, Yuan Chao
1996, 21(2): 190-193.
Abstract PDF
Adapted Solution of a Backward Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Equation
Zhong Liuyi
1996, 21(2): 194-198.
Abstract PDF