On the Establishment of Chinese Modern Geodetic Coordinate System
CHEN Junyong
2002, 27(5): 441-444.
Abstract PDF
Quality Assessment for Attribute Data in GIS Based on Simple Random Sampling
SHI Wenzhong, LIU Chun, LIU Dajie
2002, 27(5): 445-450,461.
Abstract PDF
Weighted Grey Prediction Model and Implement of Its Computation
ZHOU Shijian, LAI Zhikun, ZANG Deyan, LU Tieding
2002, 27(5): 451-455.
Abstract PDF
Coorelation Analysis of Coordinate Conversion for Digitized Data
YU Xiaohong, LIU Dajie
2002, 27(5): 456-461.
Abstract PDF
Error Entropy Band for Linear Segments in GIS
LI Dajun, GONG Jianya, XIE Gangsheng, DU Daosheng
2002, 27(5): 462-466.
Abstract PDF
An Object-oriented Three-dimensional Topological Data Model Based on Component for Geology Modeling
HOU Enke, WU Lixin
2002, 27(5): 467-472.
Abstract PDF
Development of Method in Precise Multibeam Acoustic Bathymetry
ZHAO Jianhu, LIU Jingnan
2002, 27(5): 473-477.
Abstract PDF
Establishment of Uniform Mathematics Model for Positioning the Center-line of Rail Transit
WU Hao, HUA Xianghong, WANG Xinzhou, ZHOU Qingjun
2002, 27(5): 478-482.
Abstract PDF
Parameter σ Estimation of p-norm Distribution
HU Hongchang, SUN Haiyan
2002, 27(5): 483-485.
Abstract PDF
Aggregation and Amalgamation in Land-use Data Generalization
AI Tinghua, LIU Yaolin
2002, 27(5): 486-492.
Abstract PDF
Optimization of Land Use Structure Based on Ecological Green Equivalent
LIU Yanfang, MING Dongping, YANG Jianyu
2002, 27(5): 493-498,515.
Abstract PDF
Intelligent Method of Optimum Placement for Pattern Cell of Linear Symbols
GUO Qingsheng, ZHENG Chunyan
2002, 27(5): 499-504.
Abstract PDF
Thematic Data Generalization in GIS
GAO Wenxiu, WU Hehai, GONG Jianya, DU Daosheng
2002, 27(5): 505-510.
Abstract PDF
Mathematical Definition on the Visual Variables of the Cartographic Symbols
WEI Wenzhan, ZHONG Yexun, HUANG Rentao, PENG Yueying
2002, 27(5): 511-515.
Abstract PDF
An Object-oriented Fuzzy Enhancement for Remote Sensing Images
XIONG Xinghua, LI Xintao
2002, 27(5): 516-521,542.
Abstract PDF
Cadastral Spatial Entity and Its Spatio-temporal Topology Relationship
XU Zhihong, BIAN Fuling
2002, 27(5): 522-527.
Abstract PDF
A Recursive Algorithm for Triangulation of Arbitrary Polygons Based on BSP Tree
LIU Qiang, LI Deren
2002, 27(5): 528-533.
Abstract PDF
Key Technique about Visualization of Urban 3D Pipe Network and Implementation of System Functions
DU Guoming, GONG Jianya, XIONG Hanjiang, WANG Pengxin
2002, 27(5): 534-537.
Abstract PDF
Application of Feature Modeling to VR-Web GIS
CHEN Jiangping, FU Zhongliang, BIAN Fuling, SHA Zongyao
2002, 27(5): 538-542.
Abstract PDF
Frame of Pattern Recognition Model Based on Cognitive Psychology
WANG Shugen
2002, 27(5): 543-547.
Abstract PDF