Some Thoughts on the Establishment of Nationwide Continuously Operating Reference Stations
LIU Jingnan, LIU Hui, ZOU Rong, WEI Na
2009, 34(11): 1261-1265.
Abstract PDF
Inspiration of Establishing COMPASS Terrestrial Reference Frame from GTRF Realization
ZOU Rong, LIU Hui, YANG Shujiang
2009, 34(11): 1266-1270.
Abstract PDF
A Wide Area Real-Time Differential GPS Prototype System and the Initial Results
SHI Chuang, LOU Yidong, SONG Weiwei, CAI Hua
2009, 34(11): 1271-1274.
Abstract PDF
Single Navigation Satellite Orbit Determination and Evaluation by SLR
LI Jianwen, CHEN Liucheng
2009, 34(11): 1275-1279.
Abstract PDF
Analysis and Control Method for Constellation Rotation in Navigation Satellite Autonomous Orbit Determination
HOU Fen, LIU Wanke, FANG Rongxin
2009, 34(11): 1280-1284.
Abstract PDF
Design of SVLBI Satellite Orbit for Geodesy
WEI Erhu, CHENG Xiaohui, AN Zhiguo
2009, 34(11): 1285-1289.
Abstract PDF
Determining Orbit of COMPASS-M1 Using International Laser Ranginge Data
2009, 34(11): 1290-1292.
Abstract PDF
Implementation and Precision Analysis of GPS Precise Clock Estimation System
CAI Hua, ZHAO Qile, LOU Yidong
2009, 34(11): 1293-1296.
Abstract PDF
Two Steps Time Synchronizing Method for AutoNav with Crosslink Ranging Measurement
SONG Xiaoyong, JIA Xiaolin, MAO Yue
2009, 34(11): 1297-1300.
Abstract PDF
Impact on GPS Data Processing of Changing fom Relative Phase Center Corrections to Absolute Phase Center Corrections
ZHU Zhiqin, LI Zhenghang, LIU Wanke
2009, 34(11): 1301-1304.
Abstract PDF
Pre-process Strategy in Complex Movement Using Single-frequency GPS Data
SONG Weiwei, YAO Yibin
2009, 34(11): 1305-1308.
Abstract PDF
Real Time Estimation of DCB Using Kalman Filters
GENG Changjiang, ZHANG Hongping, ZHAI Chuanrun
2009, 34(11): 1309-1311.
Abstract PDF
The 5-Parameter-Model for GPS Receiver Fast Positioning
ZHANG Hongping, YANG Shujiang
2009, 34(11): 1312-1315.
Abstract PDF
A Fast Ambiguity Resolution Algorithm with Track Constraints on Moving Platform
YUAN Wei, XIONG Yongliang, HUANG Dingfa
2009, 34(11): 1316-1319.
Abstract PDF
An Improved TERCOM Algorithm for Underwater Geomagnetic Matching Navigation
ZHAO Jianhu, WANG Shengping, WANG Aixue
2009, 34(11): 1320-1323.
Abstract PDF
The Implementation of a New Integrated Navigation Solution with Polarized-light Assisting with Geomagnetism and GPS
FAN Zhiguo, GAO Jun, PAN Dengkai, CUI Shuai
2009, 34(11): 1324-1327.
Abstract PDF
Real-time Monitoring System of Precipitable Water Vapor Derived from Ground-based GPS and Its Applications in Meteorology
LI Guoping, CHEN Jiaona, HUANG, Dingfa
2009, 34(11): 1328-1331.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Collocation Criteria in the Statistical Comparisons of GPS Radio Occultation and Radiosonde Observations
XU Xiaohua, ZHANG Kefei, LUO Jia, FU Erjiang
2009, 34(11): 1332-1335.
Abstract PDF
Crustal Movements Before and After the Wenchuan Earthquake as Detected by GPS Observations
GU Guohua, WANG Wuxing, MENG Guojie, XU Yueren
2009, 34(11): 1336-1339.
Abstract PDF
Precise Point Positioning with High-rate GPS Data Applied to Seismic Displacements Analysis
FANG Rongxin, SHI Chuang, GU Shengfeng
2009, 34(11): 1340-1343.
Abstract PDF
Strategy and Experimental Results of Augmentation Reference Station Network RTK Positioning
HUANG Dingfa, ZHOU Letao, LI Chenggang, XIONG Yongliang
2009, 34(11): 1344-1349.
Abstract PDF
A Network RTK Algorithm and Its Test
GAO Xingwei, CHEN Ruizhi, ZHAO Chunmei
2009, 34(11): 1350-1353.
Abstract PDF
Monitoring Damage of State Grid Transmission Tower in Bad Weather by High-Resolution SAR Satellites
LIU Yan, LIU Jingnan, LI Tao, XIA Ye
2009, 34(11): 1354-1358.
Abstract PDF
Precise Analysis of GNSS Data and Product Serving Based on Web
ZHAO Qile, LOU Yidong
2009, 34(11): 1359-1362.
Abstract PDF
Analysis and Assessments of IGS Products Consistencies
WEI Na, SHI Chuang, LI Min, ZOU Rong
2009, 34(11): 1363-1367.
Abstract PDF
A Novel Algorithm for Ultra High-Sensitivity GPS Tracking
BA Xiaohui, LIU Haiyang, CHEN Pei, CHEN Jie
2009, 34(11): 1368-1371.
Abstract PDF
Signals of Opportunity Assisted Ubiquitous Positioning and Its Key Elements for Outdoor/Indoor Environment
TIAN Hui, XIA Linyuan, Esmond MOK, WU Dongjin
2009, 34(11): 1372-1376.
Abstract PDF
Test and Evaluation of Accuracies of MBOC Signals Using a Digital IF Signal Simulator and a Software Receiver
KOU Yanhong, ZHOU Xingyun
2009, 34(11): 1377-1380.
Abstract PDF
An Improved Voronoi Diagram Model Based on Fuzzy Theory
SHAO Zhenfeng, YAN Beibei, ZHOU Yang
2009, 34(11): 1381-1385.
Abstract PDF