Determination of the Displacements of Arch Dams Using a Laser Traverse System
Yang Ren, Pan Zhengfeng
1988, 13(3): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Variance Component Models of Gyrotheodolite Observation Errors
Zhu Guong
1988, 13(3): 7-14.
Abstract PDF
On the Digital Geometrical Rectifications for the Spacelab Images by Using Colinearity Equations
Shu Ning
1988, 13(3): 15-22.
Abstract PDF
Application of Time Series Analysis to the Prediction of Deformation for Large Dams
Xu Peiliang
1988, 13(3): 23-31.
Abstract PDF
Adjustment in Groups and Evaluation of Precision
Yu Zongchou, Yu Zhenglin
1988, 13(3): 32-46.
Abstract PDF
The Effect of New Astronomical Constants and System on Astronomical Latitude and Longitude and Azimuth
Liu Caizhang, Huang Jiean, Dai Sijun
1988, 13(3): 47-55.
Abstract PDF
Computer-Generated Equidistance Line to Delimitate an Irregular Zone for Two Areas
Lai Poh-Chin, Fei Lifan
1988, 13(3): 56-64.
Abstract PDF
Using Optical/Digital Hybrid Processor to Inspect Fabric Defects
Bo Li, Zhang Yuhu, Wang Yaodong, Gao Baoshan
1988, 13(3): 65-73.
Abstract PDF
The Calculation of Optical Transfer Function of the Non-coaxial Optical System
He Duiyan
1988, 13(3): 74-81.
Abstract PDF
The Data Communication and Data Processing Unit in Monitor System for Loom
Liu Jingnian, Shao Guifeng, Lou Jianchao
1988, 13(3): 82-89.
Abstract PDF
Corrective Estimation of Pseudo-Inverse Adjustment of Rank-Defect Net
Liu Dingyou
1988, 13(3): 90-100.
Abstract PDF
A Note on Arrays
Dang Songshi
1988, 13(3): 101-104.
Abstract PDF
Orthogonal-Triangular Decomposition and Its Application in Bundle Adjustment
1988, 13(3): 105-114.
Abstract PDF