Das Relationale Modell der Geographisehen Datenbank und Seine Verwirklichung
Xu Qingrong, Zheng Zhaojin
1986, 11(3): 8-19.
Abstract PDF
The Use of SODAMS for Generating DEM to Drive the Wild Avioplan OR-1 for Orthophoto Production
Zhang Zuxun, Gu Tianxiang, Hu Zhigui
1986, 11(3): 20-29.
Abstract PDF
Zulässiger Fehler in den koordinaten der Satellitenbeobachtungsstationen zur Verbesserung terrestrischer Netze
Zhou Zhongmo
1986, 11(3): 30-36.
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A Study of Some Problems Concerning the Analysis of Crustal Deformation Surveys
Chen Yongqi
1986, 11(3): 37-45.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Monitor System
Li Jinxiang, Su Guangkui, Chen Manling
1986, 11(3): 46-54.
Abstract PDF
The Possibility of Making Further Additions to the Map Projection Classifications——On the Poly-eylindrical Projection
Hu Yuju
1986, 11(3): 55-61.
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Topological Retrieval of Map Information
Wu Hehai
1986, 11(3): 62-73.
Abstract PDF
Accuracy Estimation of Traverse Points for the Correlated Adjustment
Wu Junchang
1986, 11(3): 74-86.
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A Satellite Cloud Image Processing System
Shen Guojian, Ning Minnan, Liao Mingsheng
1986, 11(3): 87-94.
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The Overcoming of the Overparametrization in Self-Calibrating Adjustment
Li Deren
1986, 11(3): 95-104.
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Zur Sensitivitätsanalyse beim Design der Überwaehungsnetzen
Zhang Zhenglu
1986, 11(3): 105-113.
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Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Qualitative Assessment of a Topographic Map
Hu Jicai
1986, 11(3): 114-125.
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The Application of Mechanical Principles to the Adjustment and Accuracy Evaluation of Three-dimensional Terrestrial Trilateration Nets in Engineering Surveying
Kong Xiangyuan
1986, 11(3): 126-135.
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On Some Problems Concerning Free Net Adjustments
Yu Zongchou, Yu Zhenglin
1986, 11(3): 136-148.
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A Simple Mathematical Model of Solar Ephemeris
Dong Yiying
1986, 11(3): 149-156.
Abstract PDF