The Use of SODAMS for Generating DEM to Drive the Wild Avioplan OR-1 for Orthophoto Production
This paper reports the use of SODAMS (Software for Digital Automatic Mapping System) for generating DEM (Digital Elevation Models) to drive the OR-1 for orthophoto production. A Software interface——SODAMS/A is written in FORTRAN to transform DEM data into image coordinates suitable for OR-1 magnetic tape form. The orthophotos produced in light of this new technique are of high quality both photographically and geometrically. The RMS errors in plane positions computed from 75 check points of two double models are ms=0.054mm correspondent with the original imagery scale of 1:10000 or ms=0.27mm correspondent with the orthophoto scale of 1:2000. The successful research shows that the DEM generated by means of SODAMS is accurate enough for large scale orthophoto production. The software interface——SODAMS/A opens up way for comprehensive utilization of OR-1, for example, proccessing multispectral scanner images, panoramic photographs, oblique photographs, etc. and creates favourable conditions for further using the precise stereoplotters available now for orthophoto production.