Progress  in  Inversion  for Tectonic Stress -strain  Fields Using Geodetic Data
XU Caijun, YIN Zhi
2014, 39(10): 1135-1146.
Abstract PDF
Practical Methods for  the Downward Continuation of Airborne Gravity Data in  the  Sea Area
HUANG Motao, OUYANG Yongzhong, LIU Min, ZHAI Guojun, DENG Kailiang
2014, 39(10): 1147-1152.
Abstract PDF
Estimation of  Sea  Ice  Thickness at  Zhongshan Station  in Antarctica Based on a Combination of GPS and Tide Observations
XIE Surui, LI Fei, ZHAO Jiechen, ZHANG Shengkai
2014, 39(10): 1153-1157.
Abstract PDF
Application  of Doppler  Smoothing Pseudo-Range in GPSINS Ti ghtl y-Coupled Navigation
ZHENG Nanshan, LI Zengke
2014, 39(10): 1158-1162.
Abstract PDF
Extraction of  the Floor Area Ratio in  the Central District  of  Fuzhou Cit y Based on an Improved Shadow Index Model
LIU Hui, , ,
2014, 39(10): 1163-1167.
Abstract PDF
Research on Common Mode Error Extraction Method for Large-Scale GPS Network
XIE Shuming, PAN Pengfei, ZHOU Xiaohui
2014, 39(10): 1168-1173.
Abstract PDF
Investi gation  to Discontinuit y in  the  IGS Final  Ephemeris and Corresponding Treatment
LIU Yanyan, YE Shirong, JIANG Peng, HUANG Zhihua, CHEN Hao, DU Zhongj in
2014, 39(10): 1174-1178.
Abstract PDF
Adaptive  Collocation Based on Anisotropic  Covariance Function
ZHANG Juqing , HAO Rong, ZHANG Qin, NIE Jianliang
2014, 39(10): 1179-1183.
Abstract PDF
Sin gle  Epoch Ambiguit y Resolution Success Rates Under Modified Objective  Function Without Prior Baseline Information
ZHANG Liang, LV Hanfeng, WU Jie
2014, 39(10): 1184-1188.
Abstract PDF
An Al gorithm for  the Multiview Target  Point Cloud Global Registration
YANG Ronghua, LV Meiying, HUA Xianghong
2014, 39(10): 1189-1193.
Abstract PDF
Monitoring of Antarctic Sea  Ice  Based on  the Multichannel MODIS Data
ZHANG Xin, ZHOU Chunxia, E Dongchen, AN Jiachun
2014, 39(10): 1194-1198.
Abstract PDF
Detection and Correction of  Phase Unwrappin g Errors  in  InSAR Time  Series Analysis  with Discrete Coherent Points
LI Yongsheng, ZHANG Jingfa, LI Zhenhong, JIANG Wenliang, LUO Yi, ZHAO Yong
2014, 39(10): 1199-1203.
Abstract PDF
Phase Correlation Supported Low Altitude  Images Matching with Repeated Texture
HE Haiqing, ZHANG Yongjun, HUANG Shengxiang
2014, 39(10): 1204-1207.
Abstract PDF
A Gross Error Detection Method of Vehicle-borne Cubic Panoramic Image Se quence
ZHANG Zhengpeng, JIANG Wanshou, ZHANG Jing
2014, 39(10): 1208-1213.
Abstract PDF
Precise Registration  of  Scattered Cloud Data Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization
HAN Xianquan, ZHU Qing, DING Yulin, ZHOU Dongbo
2014, 39(10): 1214-1220.
Abstract PDF
3DBuilding Facades and Roofs Objects  Extraction from Pixel Height Map
HUANG Miner, DU Zhiqiang, ZHU Qing, ZHANG Yeting, HU Han
2014, 39(10): 1221-1224.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Extraction of  Building Roofs from LiDAR Data Using a Hybridized Method
GAO Guang, MA Hongchao, ZHANG Liang
2014, 39(10): 1225-1230.
Abstract PDF
Sub-pixel  Location of  Feature Point Based on Taylor  Expansion and Its  Application
XIAO Xiongwu, GUO Bingxuan, PAN Fei, ZHANG Chunsen, XUE Wanchang
2014, 39(10): 1231-1235.
Abstract PDF
On the  Store  Strate gy of  Small Spatio-Temporal Data Files  in Cloud Environment
XIONG Lian, XU Zhengquan, WANG Tao 
2014, 39(10): 1236-1240.
Abstract PDF
Extraction of  the Floor Area Ratio in  the Central District  of  Fuzhou Cit y Based on an Improved Shadow Index Model
2014, 39(10): 1241-1247.
Abstract PDF
A Novel Spatial  Index with a Hi gh-performance  Spatial  Join
FU Zhonglian g, LIU Siyuan, YU Zhiqiang
2014, 39(10): 1248-1251.
Abstract PDF
On the  Store  Strate gy of  Small Spatio-Temporal Data Files  in Cloud Environment
XIONG Lian, XU Zhengquan, WANG Tao , GU Xin
2014, 39(10): 1252-1256.
Abstract PDF
A Similarit y Measurement Model for Multi-resolution Transmission of  Curve Datasets over  the  Internet
CAO Zhenzhou
2014, 39(10): 1257-1260.
Abstract PDF