Detection and Correction of Phase Unwrappin g Errors in InSAR Time Series Analysis with Discrete Coherent Points
Graphical Abstract
Due to temporal and spatial decorrelation and other noisethe inte ger-cycle jumps alwa ys appear in the unwrapped phase.It is well known that phase unwrapping errors re present one of the major limitations of Interferometric SARInSAR.A phase closure method is presented to detect and correct phase unwrapping errors for discrete coherent points in InSAR time series anal ysis.Its appli cation to ENVISAT Advanced Synthetic Aperture RadarASARdata over the coastal zone of Cangzhou Hebei Province showed a si gnificant improvement in the InSAR time series results with the number of valid coherent pixels increasing from 68 000to 186 400and the root mean square RMS decreasing from 13.1mm to 5.3mm and 17.5mm to 4.3mm for two deforming areas res pectivel y