Analyzing InSAR Results Using GIS and Its Application on the Coseismic Interpretation of Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
XU Caijun, JIANG Guoyan, WANG Hao, WEN Yangmao
2011, 36(4): 379-383.
Abstract PDF
Case Study of the Rainfall Processes in Different Cloud Systems Based on GPS-PWV Data in Chengdu Plain
LI Guoping, CHEN Jiaona, HAO Liping
2011, 36(4): 384-388.
Abstract PDF
Application of the Sub-network Division in Large Scale GNSS Reference Station Network
JIANG Weiping, ZHAO Qian, LIU Hongfei, YANG Kai
2011, 36(4): 389-391.
Abstract PDF
Modeling Regional Precise Tropospheric Delay
DAI Wujiao, CHEN Zhaohua, KUANG Cuilin, CAI Changsheng
2011, 36(4): 392-396.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Influence of Stations' Distance in High-accuracy GPS Satellite Clock Offset Estimation
LOU Yidong, DAI Xiaolei, SONG Weiwei
2011, 36(4): 397-400.
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Balkhash Lake Level Variations Monitored with Satellite Altimeter and Satellite Gravity Data
SUN Jialong, GUO Jinyun, CHANG Xiaotao, GUO Shuyan
2011, 36(4): 401-406.
Abstract PDF
Real-time PWV Obtained by Ground GPS
XU Shaoguang, XIONG Yongliang, LIU Ning, HUANG Dingfa
2011, 36(4): 407-411.
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Weighted Mean Temperature T_m Statistical Analysis in Ground-based GPS in China
WANG Xiaoying, DAI Ziqiang, CAO Yunchang, SONG Lianchun
2011, 36(4): 412-416.
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Phase-and-rate Feedback Loops for Weak GNSS Signals Tracking
JIN Li, CUI Xiaowei, LU Mingquan, FENG Zhenming
2011, 36(4): 417-421.
Abstract PDF
Experiment Results and Analysis of the Dynamic Deformation Monitoring of a Kind of Landslide Based on GPS Technology
WANG Li, ZHANG Qin, GUAN Jian'an, KONG Lingjie
2011, 36(4): 422-426.
Abstract PDF
Impact of Temporal Correlation of GPS Observations on Baseline Solution
LI Yihe, SHEN Yunzhong
2011, 36(4): 427-430.
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Establishment and Maintenanceof the Compass Terrestrial Reference Frame
ZOU Rong, LIU Hui, WEI Na, LI Min
2011, 36(4): 431-436.
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Crustal Deformation Analysis Derived from GPS Observations During Baja California Earthquake
WU Jizhong
2011, 36(4): 437-440.
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Geocenter Motion from GPS Data
WEI Na, SHI Chuang, LIU Jingnan
2011, 36(4): 441-445.
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Study on the Selection of the Geomagnetic Adaptable Matching Area Based on the Geomagnetic Co-occurrence Matrix
ZHAO Jianhu, WANG Shengping, WANG Aixue
2011, 36(4): 446-449.
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Research on Integrated Navigation System by Fuzzy Kalman Filter with Interval-value Membership Function
LE Yang, HE Xiufeng
2011, 36(4): 450-452.
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GPS Seismometer:PANDA Software Testing Results and Validation
FANG Rongxin, SHI Chuang, CHEN Kejie, XU Peiliang
2011, 36(4): 453-456.
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An Effective Carrier-to-noise Ratio Estimation Method for GNSS Receiver
BA Xiaohui, LIU Haiyang, ZHENG Rui, CHEN Jie
2011, 36(4): 457-460.
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Research on RAIM Availability Algorithm Based on Circular Error Probable
LI Guozhong, LI Jianwen, LI Junzheng, GUI Qingming
2011, 36(4): 461-466.
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Analysis of Combining Ground-based GPS Network and Space-based COSMIC Occultation Observation for Precipitable Water Vapor Application
XU Chaoqian, SHI Junbo, GUO Jiming, XU Xiaohua
2011, 36(4): 467-470.
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Impact Analysis of GNSS Signal Imperfections on Intersystem and Intrasystem Interference
ZHANG Zhengwen, KOU Yanhong, LIU Jiansheng
2011, 36(4): 471-475.
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Application of Combining Method of Outlier Detection and Robust Estimation to GPS Kinematic Relative Positioning
WANG Qianxin, XU Tianhe, XU Guochang
2011, 36(4): 476-480.
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A Low Cost GPS/INS Tighely-Coupled Navigation System
LU Yu, HU Rui, YANG Yunchun
2011, 36(4): 481-485.
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Research on the Navigation Message Broadcast Mode for COMPASS
ZHANG Bingqi, LIU Feng, LI Jian, CHENG He
2011, 36(4): 486-489.
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Study on ScanSAR Interferometry for Monitoring Large Scale Earthquake
JIANG Tingchen, LI Tao, LIU Jingnan
2011, 36(4): 490-494.
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Simulation of Exploring Submarine Topography Based on Gravity Gradiometry
JI Bing, CHEN Liangyou, BIAN Shaofeng
2011, 36(4): 495-497.
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Retrieval of Clear-sky Land Surface BRDF and Albedo Based on Discrepancy Principle and Regularization Method
CUI Shengcheng, YANG Shizhi, QIAO Yanli, ZHAO Qiang
2011, 36(4): 498-503.
Abstract PDF