Applications of Selenodesy to Lunar Detection
LIU Jingnan, WEI Erhu, HUANG Jinsong, ZHANG Xiaohong
2005, 30(2): 95-100.
Abstract PDF
Application of Maps Revision Based on Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images
WAN Youchuan, SONG Yang
2005, 30(2): 105-109.
Abstract PDF
Accuracy Analysis of Planmetric Coordinate Transformation Between Spatial Information Multi-grids
YUAN Xiuxiao, FU Yingchun, ZHANG Guo, FU Jianhong
2005, 30(2): 110-114.
Abstract PDF
Application of Image Texture Reorganization to 3D Model Reconstruction
ZHANG Jianqing, HE Shaojun, SU Guozhong
2005, 30(2): 115-117.
Abstract PDF
Comparison Between SVD and DCT Feature Extraction Methods in Face Recognition
LU Jian, WANG Hui
2005, 30(2): 118-121.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Digital Camera Distortion Calibration
LIN Zongjian, CUI Hongxia, SUN Jie, LIU Li
2005, 30(2): 122-125.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Precision of Relative Orientation and Forward Intersection with High-overlap Images
ZHANG Yongjun, ZHANG Yong
2005, 30(2): 126-130.
Abstract PDF
Application of Multitemporal Composition and Classification to Land Use Change Detection
ZHANG Hong, SHU Ning,
2005, 30(2): 131-134.
Abstract PDF
Change Detection Based on Both Edges and Gray
FANG Shenghui, DIAN Yuanyong, LI Wei
2005, 30(2): 135-138.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Parameters and Their Powers of MODIS Drought Monitoring Model
LIU Liangming, HU YAN, YAN Junjie, TAN Debao
2005, 30(2): 139-142.
Abstract PDF
Fog Detection Based on EOS MODIS Data
MA Huiyun, LI Deren, LIU Liangming, LIANG Yitong
2005, 30(2): 143-145.
Abstract PDF
A New Method for Building Reconstruction Based on Vector Map and Non-metric Camera Image
LIU Yawen, ZHANG Zuxun, ZHANG Jianqing, WU Jun
2005, 30(2): 146-149.
Abstract PDF
Detection of Changed Symbol Images Based on Revised Histogram Invariant Moments
ZHOU Junqi, XUE Cunjin, SUN Jiabing
2005, 30(2): 150-153.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Surface Model with 3D Irregular Points Based on Projection Constrain
ZHENG Shunyi, SU Guozhong, ZHANG Zuxun
2005, 30(2): 154-157.
Abstract PDF
A Filer Algorithm for LIDAR Intension Image
LAI Xudong, WAN Youchuan
2005, 30(2): 158-160.
Abstract PDF
Arithmetic Research of Fractal Dimension with Image Face Based on Fractional Brownian Motion
YU Zifan, LIN Zongjian
2005, 30(2): 161-165.
Abstract PDF
Remote Sensing Image Database Based on RDBMS
LI Zonghua, PENG Mingjun
2005, 30(2): 166-169.
Abstract PDF
Application of Propositional Logic Calculation Method to the Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Monographic Interpretation
DENG Wensheng, GUAN Zequn, QIN Kun
2005, 30(2): 170-173.
Abstract PDF
Multi-index Synthetic Evaluation Method in Geographic Information Engineering
2005, 30(2): 174-177.
Abstract PDF
Heterogeneous Spatial Information Interoperability Based on Cooperative Ontologies
TAN Xicheng, BIAN Fuling
2005, 30(2): 178-181.
Abstract PDF
Interoperability and Integration Framework of Geospatial Information Atomic Services on the Grid
WANG Fangxiong, BIAN Fuling
2005, 30(2): 182-186.
Abstract PDF