A Real-Time Airborne Image Mosaic Method Usingthe ARM+DSP Architecture
ZHENG Shunyi, MA Dian, GUI Li, WANG Xiaonan
2014, 39(1): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based onMulti-band Information Fusion
WEI Lifei, ZHONG Yanfei, ZHANG Liangpei, LI Pingxiang
2014, 39(1): 8-11.
Abstract PDF
Image Quality Assessment of IKONOS Images Basedon Contourlet-SIIM Model
YAN Li, HU Xiaobin
2014, 39(1): 12-16.
Abstract PDF
A Rapid Image Registration Method Based on Restricted GeometryConstraints for Large-Size Remote Sensing Image
ZHANG Qian, JIA Yonghong, WU Xiaoliang, HU Zhongwen
2014, 39(1): 17-21.
Abstract PDF
Minimum Spectral Correlation Constraint Algorithm Based on Non-negativeMatrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
WANG Nan, ZHANG Liangpei, DU Bo
2014, 39(1): 22-26.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Water Segmentation Method in SAR ImagesUsing Multi-scale Level Set
XU Chuan, HUA Feng, SUI Haigang, CHEN Guang
2014, 39(1): 27-31.
Abstract PDF
Panoramic Image Measurement Method Basedon Projection Regression
LI Yanhong, LI Haiting, PANG Xiaoping, PENG Qingshan
2014, 39(1): 32-36.
Abstract PDF
A Three-Dimensional Baseline Calibration Method of Spaceborne InSAR
CHEN Gang, TANG Xiaotao, QIAN Fangming
2014, 39(1): 37-41.
Abstract PDF
Straight Line Extraction Algorithm of Freeman Chain Code Priority
ZHAO Like, SONG Weidong, WANG Jingxue
2014, 39(1): 42-46.
Abstract PDF
Application of a Gravity Acceleration Approximation Function in the PreciseReal-Time Orbit Determination Using Space-borne GPS Measurements
WANG Fuhong, XU Qichao, GONG Xuewen, ZHANG Wei
2014, 39(1): 47-51.
Abstract PDF
Wi-Fi Assisted GPS Positioning with Fixed Geodetic Height
XIA Jingchao, YE Shirong, LIU Yanyan, ZHAO Liang
2014, 39(1): 52-55.
Abstract PDF
CMONOC Fiducial Station Deformation Before and Afterthe Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
LOU Junping, CHEN Kejie, LI Min, LI Wenwen
2014, 39(1): 56-59.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of TrackRT for Real-Time Deformation Monitoring
NIU Ben, HUANG Yong, ZHAO Bin, YANG Shaomin
2014, 39(1): 60-64.
Abstract PDF
Spherical Harmonic Finite Approximation Method for the Stokes-NeummanMixed Boundary Value Problem with a Sphere Cap
ZENG Yanyan, YU Jinhai, WAN Xiaoyun
2014, 39(1): 65-69.
Abstract PDF
Ionospheric Effects Analysis Associated with aTotal Solar Eclipse on July 22,2009
ZHAO Ying, ZHANG Xiaohong, AN Jiachun
2014, 39(1): 70-74.
Abstract PDF
Ionospheric Electron Density Gradients of a Polar Region Using GPS
AN Jiachun, ZHANG Di, DU Yujun, ZHANG Xin
2014, 39(1): 75-79.
Abstract PDF
Application of Compression Algorithm Combined with RobustFiltering and Important Points Extracting
ZHANG Juqing, ZHANG Jing, GUO Xinyuan
2014, 39(1): 80-84.
Abstract PDF
Global Optimization Algorithm in 3DDatum Transformationof Industrial Measurement
PAN Guorong, ZHOU Yueyin, GUO Wei
2014, 39(1): 85-89.
Abstract PDF
Design of Adaptive Particle Filtering Algorithm Based onMKLD Criteria and Its Application
GONG Yisong, LI Baoli, GUI Qingming, LIAN Cuiping
2014, 39(1): 90-94.
Abstract PDF
A Dynamic and Correctable Forecast Method About Construction Land
MENG Cheng, PENG Mingjun, E Dongchen, HUANG Wei
2014, 39(1): 95-99.
Abstract PDF
Integration Method of Geospatial Services TaxonomiesBased on Formal Concept Analysis
WANG Yandong, HE Yilin, YANG Jiansi, LI Hao
2014, 39(1): 100-105.
Abstract PDF
A GPU Rendering-Oriented Visualization Method forComplex 3D Models
CHENJing, WU Si, XIE Bingxiong
2014, 39(1): 106-111.
Abstract PDF
A Streaming Transformation Method for GML to GeoOWL
MENG Lingkui, DUAN Hongwei, HUANG Changqing, LI Ying
2014, 39(1): 112-116.
Abstract PDF
Application of Spatial Data Fusion in the Productionand Updating of Spatial Data
CHEN Huanxin, SUN Qun, XIAO Qiang, XIAO Jihua
2014, 39(1): 117-122.
Abstract PDF
Supply Chain Knowledge Collaboration Based on Ontologyin Semantic Heterogeneous Environment
ZHU Jianfeng, CHEN Min
2014, 39(1): 123-126.
Abstract PDF