The Technique Integration of the Spatial Information and Communication
LI Deren, LI Qingquan
2001, 26(1): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
The Design and Implementation of CyberCity GIS
ZHU Qing, LI Deren, GONG Jianya, XIONG Hanjiang
2001, 26(1): 8-11,17.
Abstract PDF
Look Direction Error and Its Correction on Airborne Imaging Scanner Image
YE Zetian, HE Jianbang
2001, 26(1): 12-17.
Abstract PDF
Geographic Window Fixing and Its Application Based on Spatial Statistics
MA Hongchao, LI Deren
2001, 26(1): 18-23.
Abstract PDF
Fusion of SPOT-P and TM Multispectral Image by M-band Wavelet Theory
WANG Zhijun, LI Deren, LI Qingquan
2001, 26(1): 24-28.
Abstract PDF
à trous Wavelet Decomposition Applied to Detecting Image Edge
ZHANG Xiaodong, LI Deren, CAI Dongxiang, MA Hongchao
2001, 26(1): 29-33.
Abstract PDF
The Marr Approach in Edge Information Analysis for Multispectral Remote Sensed Imagery
WU Lemao, SHU Ning
2001, 26(1): 34-39.
Abstract PDF
High Resolution Mean Sea Surface Over China Sea Derived from Multi-satellite Altimeter Data
LI Jiancheng, JIANG Weiping, ZHANG Lei
2001, 26(1): 40-45.
Abstract PDF
Research of Data Transformation for Super-totalstation Positioning System Integrated by GPS and Totalstation
GUO Jiming, ZHANG Zhenglu, LUO Nianxue, HUANG Quanyi
2001, 26(1): 46-50.
Abstract PDF
A Reliable GPS Single Epoch Processing Algorithm with Known Deformation Interval Constraints
XIONG Yongliang, HUANG Dingfa, ZHANG Xianzhou
2001, 26(1): 51-57.
Abstract PDF
Ambiguity Processing Approach in Combined GPS/GLONASS Positioning
ZHANG Yongjun, XU Shaoquan, WANG Zemin, ZHANG Xiaohong
2001, 26(1): 58-63.
Abstract PDF
Combined Adjustment Models of Road Curve Digitization in GIS
TONG Xiaohua, LIU Dajie
2001, 26(1): 64-69.
Abstract PDF
The Hypothesis Testing of Scale Parameter in Coordinate Transformation Model
XU Tianhe, YANG Yuanxi
2001, 26(1): 70-74.
Abstract PDF
The Market Data Approach Based on Land Grading and Evaluation
LIU Yaolin, LI Xinglin, TANG Xu
2001, 26(1): 75-81.
Abstract PDF
The Application of Genetic Algorithms in Designing Urban Road's Elevation
WANG Xinsheng, JIANG Youhua, TU Chao
2001, 26(1): 82-85.
Abstract PDF
The New Method for Quickly Generating DEM Based on Raster Contour-CSE
WU Yanlan, HU Peng
2001, 26(1): 86-90.
Abstract PDF