The Research of the Earth's Gravity Field Model WDM94 Complete to Degree 360
Ning Jinsheng, Li Jiancheng, Chao Dingbo, Guan Zelin
1994, 19(4): 283-291.
Abstract PDF
The Research of Gravity Geoid WZD94 in China
Guan Zelin, Li Jiancheng, Chao Dingbo, Ning Jinsheng
1994, 19(4): 292-297.
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A Generalized Disturbing Potential Formula
Shen Wenbin, Chao Dingbo, Jin Biaoren
1994, 19(4): 298-303.
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Test and Construction of Disturbing Point Masses Model
Huang Motao, Guan Zheng
1994, 19(4): 304-309.
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Modelling of Systematic Errors in GPS Precise Surveys
Chen Yongqi, Adam Chrzanowski
1994, 19(4): 310-314.
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Bayesian Sequential Adjustment
Wang Xinzhiou
1994, 19(4): 315-321.
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Relaxation-based Edge Extraction
Qiu Tong, Zhang Zuxun
1994, 19(4): 322-327.
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Automatic Separation of Graph/Symbol in Topographic Map
Lin Zongjian, Fu Zhongliang
1994, 19(4): 328-331.
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The Removal of the Streaking Noise on Antarctic Satellite Image
Gan Xinzheng, Sun Jiabing
1994, 19(4): 332-334.
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A New Approach for Photogrammetric Data Processing of Space Resection
Huang Youcai
1994, 19(4): 335-338.
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Review and Dynamic Cartography for Level of Social Development in China
Huang Rentao
1994, 19(4): 339-345.
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A Metrical Research on Map Legibility
Zhong Yexun
1994, 19(4): 346-351.
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Estimation of Digitizing Errors along Curves in a Cartographic Map
Liu Wenbao, Huang Youcai
1994, 19(4): 352-358.
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Map Communication in Digital Environment
Li Weisheng
1994, 19(4): 359-362.
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An Encrypt System by Extra Magnetic Track Gap
Deng Xiang, Gong Jinling
1994, 19(4): 363-366.
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Propagation Modes in the Lenslike Medium Medium and Their Coupling Coefficients with the Incident Laser
Weng Xingtao
1994, 19(4): 367-370.
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A New Technique for Determining the High Refractive Index of Glass Microsphere
Yu Mozhi
1994, 19(4): 371-373.
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