Influence of Higher-order Ionospheric Delay Correction on Static Precise Point Positioning
ZHANG Xiaohong, REN Xiaodong, GUO Fei
2013, 38(8): 883-887.
Abstract PDF
Higher-order Ionospheric Error Correction for Precise Point Positioning
KUANG Cuilin, JIN Lei
2013, 38(8): 888-891.
Abstract PDF
Three-dimensional Water Vapor Tomography Using Ground-based GPS and COSMIC Occultation Observations
XIA Pengfei, CAI Changsheng, DAI Wujiao, CHEN Biyan
2013, 38(8): 892-896.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Results of Single Epoch Baseline Solution Based on Beidou Navigation Satellite System
TANG Weiming, DENG Chenlong, GAO Lifeng
2013, 38(8): 897-901.
Abstract PDF
Gravity Field Recovery Using Satellite Average Accelerations Derived from High-low Satellite-to-satellite Tracking
ZHONG Bo, LUO Zhicai, ZHOU Hao
2013, 38(8): 902-906.
Abstract PDF
Recovery of Earth’s Gravitational Field Model Based on GOCE Satellite Orbits
?HUANG Qiang, FAN Dongming, YOU Wei
2013, 38(8): 907-910.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of EOP Determination via Chinese VLBI Network
ZHANG Zhibin, WANG Guangli, LIU Xiang, TANG Zhenghong
2013, 38(8): 911-915.
Abstract PDF
Prediction of LOD Change Based on the LS and AR Model with Edge Effect Corrected
LIU Jian, WANG Qijie, ZHANG Hao
2013, 38(8): 916-919.
Abstract PDF
Eliminating Constellation Rotation Error of Autonomous Orbit Determination Using Differential Anchor Stations
SHANG Lin, REN Qianyi, ZHANG Rui, LI Guotong
2013, 38(8): 920-924.
Abstract PDF
Variance-covariance Component Estimation Method Based on Generalization Adjustment Factor
LIU Zhiping, ZHANG Shibi
2013, 38(8): 925-929.
Abstract PDF
A Differential Estimation Technique of Troposphere Delay for Precise Positioning in Hydrographic Surveying
LI Kaifeng, OUYANG Yongzhong, LU Xiuping, WU Taiqi
2013, 38(8): 930-934.
Abstract PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Toxic Gas Dispersion in Urban Streets Supported by GIS
ZHENG Maohui, JIN Min, GUO Fei
2013, 38(8): 935-939.
Abstract PDF
Employing a Centroid Transferring Curve to Spatio-temporal Evolution Patterns
LI Guangqiang, ZENG Shaoqin, DENG Min, XIAO Qiuyong
2013, 38(8): 940-944.
Abstract PDF
Point Cluster Selection in GIS Using Gravity Model
LI Wenjing, LI Shaoning, LONG Yi, QIU Jia
2013, 38(8): 945-949.
Abstract PDF
Design and Implementation of Public Participation Web Cartographic Services
ZENG Xingguo, REN Fu, DU Qingyun, TANG Lingjun
2013, 38(8): 950-953.
Abstract PDF
Probability Model of Directed Movements Based on Total Probability Theorem
YIN Zhangcai, LIU Qingquan, SUN Huatao
2013, 38(8): 954-957.
Abstract PDF
Object-oriented Geological Disaster Data Model and Spatio-temporal Process Expression
LIU Xiaohui, WU Xincai, LUO Xiangang
2013, 38(8): 958-962.
Abstract PDF
Spatial Intelligent Prediction of Landslide Hazard Based on Multi-source Data in Three Gorges Reservoir Area
WU Xueling, REN Fu, NIU Ruiqing
2013, 38(8): 963-968.
Abstract PDF
An Operator of Gradient Consistency for Multimodal Image Registration
YAN Li, HU Xiubing, CHEN Changjun, MA Zhenling
2013, 38(8): 969-972.
Abstract PDF
Boresight Misalignment and Position Offset Calibration of Push-broom Hyperspectral Sensor Integrated POS System
ZHAO Haitao, ZHANG Bing, ZUO Zhengli, CHEN Zhengchao
2013, 38(8): 973-977.
Abstract PDF
Change Detection Method Based on Multi-feature Differencing Kernel SVM for Remote Sensing Imagery
LIN Yi, LIU Bing, CHEN Yingying, PAN Chen
2013, 38(8): 978-982.
Abstract PDF
Classified Linear Regression Based Landsat Image Cloud Removal Method
WU Wei, LUO Jiancheng, SHEN Zhanfeng, WANG Weihong
2013, 38(8): 983-987.
Abstract PDF
Hyperspectral Image Feature Extraction via Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transform
LIN Na, YANG Wunian, WANG Bin
2013, 38(8): 988-992.
Abstract PDF
A Road Damage Identification Method Based on Scale-span Image and SVM
SHEN Zhaoqing, PENG Yuhua, SHU Ning
2013, 38(8): 993-997.
Abstract PDF
Ocean Breaking Wave Detection with Microwave Doppler Radar
FAN Lingang, CHEN Xi, CHEN Zezong, JIN Yan
2013, 38(8): 998-1002.
Abstract PDF
Direction Characteristic of Radiation Energy and Transmission Characteristic of Waters at Water-air Surface
YANG Xiguang, HUANG Haijun, LIU Yanxia, YAN Liwen
2013, 38(8): 1003-1008.
Abstract PDF