A New Image Decomposition Method for Content-Based Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
LI Deren, NING Xiaogang
2006, 31(8): 659-662.
Abstract PDF
Shadow Detection and Extraction from Imagery Based on Total Variation
WANG Shugen, WANG Junli, WANG Aiping
2006, 31(8): 663-666.
Abstract PDF
An Improved Region-Growing Algorithm for Surface Reconstruction from 3D Irregular Points
ZHU Qing, LI Fengchun, ZHANG Yeting
2006, 31(8): 667-670.
Abstract PDF
Residential Areas Recognition by Fusing Region Data and Edge Features
PAN Li, ZHANG Zhihua, ZHANG Jianqing
2006, 31(8): 671-674.
Abstract PDF
Edge Matching Based on Chamfer Distance Transform and Label Map
ZHANG Yu, SUN Jiabing, ZHANG Xiaodong
2006, 31(8): 675-678.
Abstract PDF
Fast Mining of Spatial Outliers from GIS Database
MA Ronghua, HE Zengyou
2006, 31(8): 679-682.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Retrieval of Suspended Solid Concentration in Lake Taihu Based on BP Neural Net
L Heng, LI Xinguo, CAO Kai
2006, 31(8): 683-686.
Abstract PDF
Change Detection of Satellite Imagery Considering Projection Difference
XU Lihua, JIANG Wanshou
2006, 31(8): 687-690.
Abstract PDF
Equivalent Transformation of Basic Topological Relations Between a Line and Region During Abstraction Process
GUO Qingsheng, CAI Yongxiang, DU Xiaochu, WANG Lehui
2006, 31(8): 691-694.
Abstract PDF
Determination and Integration of Subjective Weights and Objective Weights of Land Grading Factors
HU Shiyuan, LI Deren, LIU Yaolin, LI Deyi
2006, 31(8): 695-699.
Abstract PDF
Arithmetic on Max Interspace of Euclidean-Space with Obstacles MA-MAXG(Ω)
HU Hai, LIU Jingnan
2006, 31(8): 700-703.
Abstract PDF
Exploring Human-Oriented GIS
GONG Jianhua, LIN Hui
2006, 31(8): 704-708.
Abstract PDF
Pervasive Computing and Pervasive GIS
BIAN Fuling, SHI Xu
2006, 31(8): 709-712.
Abstract PDF
Key Technologies for Digital Waterway Based on 3D GIS
SUI Haigang, WANG Juan, ZHANG Anmin, WAN Dabin
2006, 31(8): 713-715.
Abstract PDF
An Improved Task-Role-Based Access Control on Hierarchical Object in G-CSCW
HE Chaoying, JIANG Jie, CHEN Jun, HAN Gang
2006, 31(8): 716-719.
Abstract PDF
Application of Rough Set-Based Neural Network in Forest Fire Alarm
YU Liang, BIAN Fuling
2006, 31(8): 720-723.
Abstract PDF
Heterogeneous Spatial Information System Semantic Interoperability Based on Bayes Data Classification and Ontology
TAN Xicheng BIAN Fuling,
2006, 31(8): 724-727.
Abstract PDF
Application of RSS in Map Service
YUAN Ying, BIAN Fuling
2006, 31(8): 728-730.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of Adaptive Filter Arithmetics in Controlling Influence of Colored Noises
CUI Xianqiang, YANG Yuanxi, GAO Weiguang
2006, 31(8): 731-735.
Abstract PDF
Probability Algorithm for Equivalent Probability Density Error Model to 2D Random Linear Segment in GIS
TANG Zhong'an, SHI Wenzhong
2006, 31(8): 736-739.
Abstract PDF
Co-registering and Fusion of Digital Information of Multi-beam Sonar and Side-scan Sonar
YANG Fanlin, WU Ziyin, DU Zhixing, JIN Xianglong
2006, 31(8): 740-743.
Abstract PDF
Restricting GPS Integer Ambigulity by Improved LAMBDA Algorithm
GAO Chengfa, ZHAO Yi, WAN Dejun
2006, 31(8): 744-747.
Abstract PDF
Video Objects Extraction and Tracking in the Video Sequences
CHONG Yanwen, JIANG Liu, SHEN Weiming
2006, 31(8): 748-751.
Abstract PDF