An Approach for Determining the Earth's External Gravity Field by Using Satellite Gravity Data and the Simulation Experiment
SHEN Wenbin, WANG Zhengtao, CHAO Dingbo
2006, 31(3): 189-193.
Abstract PDF
A Universal Coordinate Computation Model Based on Least Squares Adjustment Method
TONG Xiaohua, DU Daosheng
2006, 31(3): 194-198.
Abstract PDF
Precision Analysis of SST Gravity Field Model in China
LUO Jia, JIANG Weiping, WANG Haihong, ZOU Xiancai
2006, 31(3): 199-202.
Abstract PDF
Effect of Crustal Layering on Post-Seismic Deformation
LI Zhicai, XU Caijun, ZHAO Shaorong, WEN Yangmao
2006, 31(3): 203-208.
Abstract PDF
Quality Checking and Analysis on GPS Data in Northeast Asia
LI Jun, WANG Jiye, XIONG Xiong, XU Houze
2006, 31(3): 209-212.
Abstract PDF
Determination of CHAMP Orbit from Onboard GPS Double-Difference Phase Data with Dynamic Method
GUO Jinyun, HWANG Cheinway, HU Jianguo, LI Jiancheng
2006, 31(3): 213-217.
Abstract PDF
Accurately Determining DOA and TOA in Multi-beam Sonar Sounding
YANG Fanlin, ZHAO Jianhu, ZHOU Fengnian, DU Zhixing
2006, 31(3): 218-220.
Abstract PDF
EOF Analysis of Sea Level Anomaly Time Series Derived from ERS-2 and TOPEX Altimeter Data
WEN Hanjiang, ZHANG Chuanyin
2006, 31(3): 221-223.
Abstract PDF
Computations and Analyses of Chart Datum to Coastal Tide Gauges of China
BAO Jingyang, LIU Yanchun, CHAO Dingbo, XIAO Fumin
2006, 31(3): 224-228.
Abstract PDF
Seafloor Classification from Multibeam Backscatter Data Using Learning Vector Quantization Neural Network
TANG Qiuhua, , ZHOU Xinghua, DING Jisheng
2006, 31(3): 229-232.
Abstract PDF
Application of Wavelet Analysis in the Interface Inversion of Gravity Field
ZHANG Huizhan, FANG Jian, ZHANG Zizhan
2006, 31(3): 233-236.
Abstract PDF
Study on a Novel Coordinate Transform Method
YI Xiao, HE You, GUAN Xin
2006, 31(3): 237-239.
Abstract PDF
Quality Evaluation of Statistical Data Classification Considering Spatial Autocorrelation
GUO Qingsheng, LI Liusuo, JIA Yuming, SUN Yan
2006, 31(3): 240-243.
Abstract PDF
Improving the Mathematical Definition of Scale Symbol,Non-scale Symbol and Semi-scale Symbol in the Map
2006, 31(3): 244-246.
Abstract PDF
New Algorithms for Basic Issues of GIS Polygons Achieved by Q_i Operator
DING Jian, , JIANG Nan
2006, 31(3): 247-251.
Abstract PDF
Hierarchical Topological Model for Large-Scale Streaming Network
XIAO Zhifeng, GONG Jianya
2006, 31(3): 252-255.
Abstract PDF
A Bidirectional Heuristic Shortest Path Algorithm with Turn Prohibitions and Delays
ZHENG Nianbo, LI Qingquan, XU Jinghai, SONG Ying
2006, 31(3): 256-259.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Measurement of Spatial Pattern of Non-agricultural Land in Urban Fringe
CHEN Xiaojun, LIU Qingsheng, ZHANG Hongye
2006, 31(3): 260-265.
Abstract PDF
A Change Detection Method of Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS
ZHANG Xiaodong, LI Deren, GONG Jianya, QIN Qianqing
2006, 31(3): 266-269.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Cloud Detection Applied to MODIS Image in the Southeast of China
WANG Jiacheng, YANG Shizhi, MA Jinji, WANG Xianbing
2006, 31(3): 270-273.
Abstract PDF
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Features of Wavelet Vectors
LI Xinshuang, ZHANG Liangpei, LI Pingxiang, WU Bo
2006, 31(3): 274-277.
Abstract PDF
A Texture Classification Algorithm Based on Feature Fusion
ZHAO Yindi, ZHANG Liangpei, LI Pingxiang
2006, 31(3): 278-281.
Abstract PDF