On the Solution of the Stokes Problem with an Accuracy of the Order of Flatening Square
Guan Zelin, Ning Jinsheng
1981, 6(2): 1-9.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Geocentric Coordinate System Using the Geoidal Undulation
Ning Jinsheng, Guan Zelin et al, , ,
1981, 6(2): 10-13.
Abstract PDF
On the Multisurface Function Method in DTM Interpolation
1981, 6(2): 14-28.
Abstract PDF
The Forming of Orthogonal Additional Parameters in the Bundle Block-Adjustment and the Effect of Each Kind of Systematic Errors on the Adjusted Results
Li Deren
1981, 6(2): 29-45.
Abstract PDF
The Correlation Analysis of a Self-Calibrating Bundle Block Adjustment and the Test of Significance of Additional parameters
Li Deren
1981, 6(2): 46-65.
Abstract PDF
On the Dynamic Adjustment of Levelling Networks for Repeated Observations in Different Epochs
Yu Zhenglin
1981, 6(2): 66-76.
Abstract PDF
Some Problems in Optimum Design of Engineering Surveying Control Nets
Peng Xianjin
1981, 6(2): 77-92.
Abstract PDF
The Distribution Density of Astronomical Azimuth in High Precision Traverse
Yin Renxiang
1981, 6(2): 93-107.
Abstract PDF
On the Design of the Gravity Basic Network
Guan Zhè
1981, 6(2): 108-115.
Abstract PDF