High-accurate Outline Detection Algorithm Based on Line Diffusion Function Model
ZHANG Jianqing, SU Guozhong, ZHENG Shunyi, ZHONG Liang
2006, 31(2): 95-98.
Abstract PDF
A Digital Distortion Model for all Kinds of Imaging Systems
FENG Wenhao, SHANG Haoliang, HOU Wenguang
2006, 31(2): 99-103.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on "Strict Geometric Model Based on Affine Transformation for Remote Sensing Image with High Resolution"
HU Anwen, ZHANG Zuxun
2006, 31(2): 104-107.
Abstract PDF
Aerial Image Texture Classification Based on Naive Bayes Classifiers
YU Xin, ZHENG Zhaobao, TANG Ling, YE Zhiwei
2006, 31(2): 108-111.
Abstract PDF
Algorithms for Spectral Similarity Measure in Hyperspectral RS
DU Peijun, TANG Hong, FANG Tao
2006, 31(2): 112-115.
Abstract PDF
Research on Fractal-based Urban Land Surface Temperatures and Vegetation
SUN Xiaofang, LU Jian, WANG Hui
2006, 31(2): 116-119.
Abstract PDF
Heat Island Effect of Beijng Based on Landsat TM Data
JIANG Zhangyan, CHEN Yunhao, LI Jing
2006, 31(2): 120-123.
Abstract PDF
Rice Growth Monitoring Using ENVISAT ASAR Data
DONG Yanfang, PANG Yong, SUN Guoqing, LI Zengyuan
2006, 31(2): 124-127.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of Ocean Remote Sensing by Using GNSS-R Signal
FU Yang, ZHOU Zhaoming
2006, 31(2): 128-131.
Abstract PDF
Energy Edge Extraction Method for Super-spectral Images
DO Huycuong, SHU Ning
2006, 31(2): 132-135.
Abstract PDF
Robot Tracking by Color Image
DU Xin, ZHAO Xiaoguang
2006, 31(2): 136-139.
Abstract PDF
A Blind Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Wavelet-packet Transform
GUO Jianxing, XIAO Yafeng, ZHANG Haitang, MA Shuyu
2006, 31(2): 140-143.
Abstract PDF
Location of Spaceborne SAR Imagery Without Reference Points
YANG Jie, PAN Bin, LI Deren, ZHONG Yongzheng
2006, 31(2): 144-147.
Abstract PDF
Properties of Jordan Curve and Topological Paradox in Spherical Surface Raster Space
HOU Miaole, ZHAO Xuesheng,
2006, 31(2): 148-151.
Abstract PDF
Automated Reasoning on Discrete Placement of Street Names on City Map
GUO Qingsheng, LIU Xiaoli, JIA Zhige
2006, 31(2): 152-155.
Abstract PDF
Selection of Speckle-data Based on Layer-structure Construction in Cartographic Generalization
LU Lin, WU Jitao, LIU Zhongkan
2006, 31(2): 156-159.
Abstract PDF
Bend Identification Model of Soft Polygon and the Application
LUO Guangxiang, CHEN Xiaoyu, ZHAO Suoyi
2006, 31(2): 160-163.
Abstract PDF
A Generalization Model of Road Networks Based on Genetic Algorithm
DENG Hongyan, , WU Fang, ZHAI Renjian
2006, 31(2): 164-167.
Abstract PDF
Building Reconstruction from Airborne Laser Altimetry Points Cloud Data Set Based on Invariant Moments
ZHANG Xiaohong, GENG Jianghui
2006, 31(2): 168-171.
Abstract PDF
Earth's Gravity Field Recovered from CHAMP Science Orbit and Accelerometer Data
ZHOU Xuhua, WU Bin, PENG Bibo, XU Houze
2006, 31(2): 172-175.
Abstract PDF
GNSS/ SST/SINS Integrated Navigation System for Ballistic Missile
KANG Guohua, LIU Jianye, XIONG Zhi, ZHU Yanhua
2006, 31(2): 176-179.
Abstract PDF
Unscented Kalman Filter for Non-linear Estimation
CAI Zhiwu, ZHAO Dongming
2006, 31(2): 180-183.
Abstract PDF
Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm Based on Extended Set Operators
XU Aiping, LIU Dexi
2006, 31(2): 184-187.
Abstract PDF