Effection and Key Technologies for China to Project Radio Satellite
LIU Jingnan, WEI Erhu
2005, 30(10): 847-852.
Abstract PDF
Polygon Medial Axis Problem and the Algorithm
HU Peng, WANG Haijun, SHAO Chunli, HU Hai
2005, 30(10): 853-857.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic Electronic Map Design to Monitor Change Phenomena
AI Tinghua, ZHU Huang, WANG Hong
2005, 30(10): 858-861.
Abstract PDF
Constrained Edges Deletion in CD-TIN Based on Influence Domain Retriangulating for Virtual Point
WANG Yanbing, WU Lixin, SHI Wenzhong, JIA Xiaolin
2005, 30(10): 862-865.
Abstract PDF
Research on Map Displayment Based on Kiwi Data Format
XU Jinghai, LI Qingquan, SONG Ying, ZHENG Nianbo
2005, 30(10): 866-869.
Abstract PDF
Laser Orbit Determination for Chinese Chang-E Satellite Orbiting the Moon
LIU Jiyu
2005, 30(10): 870-872.
Abstract PDF
Directionally Dependent Adaptive SIGMA Median Filter
XU Caijun, WANG Hua, WANG Jianglin
2005, 30(10): 873-876.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Characteristics of Multipath Effects in GPS Dynamic Deformation Monitoring
HUANG Shengxiang, LI Peihong, YANG Baocen XIANG Dong,
2005, 30(10): 877-880.
Abstract PDF
An Algorithm of GPS Navigation Based on Robust Self-Tuning Kalman Filtering
ZHANG Shuangcheng, YANG Yuanxi, ZHANG Qin
2005, 30(10): 881-884.
Abstract PDF
Rapid Ambiguity Resolution On-the-Fly for Single Frequency Receiver
LIU Lilong, LIU Jiyu, LI Guangcheng
2005, 30(10): 885-887.
Abstract PDF
Study of the Ellipsoid Transformation on the Establishment of Local Independence Coordinate System Using GPS Technique
LI Shi'an, LIU Jingnan, SHI Chuang
2005, 30(10): 888-891.
Abstract PDF
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Variance of GIS Overlapped Coverage
WANG Xinzhou, YOU Yangsheng, LIU Xing SHI Wenzhong,
2005, 30(10): 892-896.
Abstract PDF
Study on Model Error of Adjustment System and Its Identified Method
ZHANG Chaoyu, TAO Benzao
2005, 30(10): 897-899.
Abstract PDF
Stochastic Poisson Equation Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem in Physical Geodesy
HUANG Jinshui, ZHU Zhuowen
2005, 30(10): 900-904.
Abstract PDF
Clenshaw Summation in Constructing High Resolution Gravity Field from the Geopotential Coefficient Expression Model
TIAN Jin, BAO Jingyang, LIU Yanchun
2005, 30(10): 905-908.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic Parameters Determination of Amery Ice Shelf Using PPP
ZHANG Xiaohong, E Dongchen
2005, 30(10): 909-912.
Abstract PDF
Detection of Cloud,Snow and Ice Based on ETM~+ Thermal Infrared Image in Antarctica
E Dongchen, CHEN Gang
2005, 30(10): 913-916.
Abstract PDF
Stability of Reservoir Slope Based on RS/GIS and Numerical Simulation
WANG Tao, CAI Xiaobin CHEN Xiaoling WU Wei, ,
2005, 30(10): 917-920.
Abstract PDF
Pre-selection Sample Method of Genetic Algorithm Fuzzy C-Mean in Support Vector Machines
XU Fang, MEI Wensheng, YAN Qin
2005, 30(10): 921-924.
Abstract PDF
Relative Radiometric Correction of CBERS-01 CCD Data Based on Detector Histogram Matching
PAN Zhiqiang, GU Xingfa, LIU Guodong, MIN Xiangjun
2005, 30(10): 925-927.
Abstract PDF
BP Neural Network Classifier Based on Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
WANG Jianmei, QIN Wenzhong
2005, 30(10): 928-931.
Abstract PDF
Study on Intelligent Simulation Techniques of Structure State
ZHONG Luo, YUAN Jingling, LOU Menglin
2005, 30(10): 932-935.
Abstract PDF
Experiment and Measurement for Acquiring Solid Standards of Four Colors Metal Printing
WANG Lijie, ZHU Yuanhong, ZHANG Xuliang
2005, 30(10): 936-939.
Abstract PDF