The Effects of the Errors of Geodetic Heights on the Results of Combined Satellite and Terrestrial Net Adjustment
Zhou Zhongmo, Shi Jing, Liu Nailing
1985, 10(1): 1-10.
Abstract PDF
Die Bahnverbesserung and die Pre-Processing der Satelliten-Laserentfernungsdaten mit höher Genauigkeit
Cui Chunfang
1985, 10(1): 11-22.
Abstract PDF
Test of Weights of Direction Obsevations of Different Classes in Chinese Astrogeodetic Nets
Liu Dajie, Yu Zhenglin
1985, 10(1): 23-40.
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Weighted Generalized Inverse and Rank-Defect Net Adjustment
Yu Zongchou, Yu Zhenglin
1985, 10(1): 41-55.
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The Influenec of the Earth Tide on the Deflection of the Vertical and Leveling
Guan Zelin
1985, 10(1): 56-61.
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Array Algebra and Its Application to Surveying
Luo Yufang, Li Zoufa, Hu Yongxu
1985, 10(1): 62-77.
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The Nested Coefficient Method——For the Accurate Calculation of Direct and lnverse Geodetic problems of Any Length
Zhang Xuelian
1985, 10(1): 78-91.
Abstract PDF
The Probability Distributions o}f Residuals and the τ Variate and their Applications
Zhang Fangren, Yi Fakai
1985, 10(1): 92-109.
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