
GNSS Coordinate Time Series Noise Estimation Based on Minimum Norm Component of Closure Error Under Equivalent Conditions

  • 摘要: 为了精确高效地求解全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)坐标时间序列噪声分量,结合等价条件平差模型以及最小范数二次无偏估计法,提出等价条件闭合差最小范数分量估计方法。首先,采用等价条件闭合差构造二次型方差估计公式,结合不变性、无偏性、最小范数准则等条件,导出基于等价条件闭合差的方差-协方差分量最小范数估计公式; 然后,采用最小二乘方差分量估计(least-squares variance component estimation,LS-VCE)法、最小范数二次无偏估计法(minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimate,MINQUE)验证所提方法的正确性及有效性。通过模拟时间序列和北美GNSS站坐标时间序列的噪声估计结果发现,所提方法与LS-VCE法和MINQUE法的估计效果一致,但计算时间相较于LS-VCE法减少了70%以上。


      Objectives  In order to solve the problem of the accuracy and efficiency of the noise component of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) coordinate time series, combined with the equivalent conditional adjustment model and the minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation method, an equivalent conditional closure error minimum norm component estimation method is proposed.
      Methods  First, we use the equivalent conditional closure error to construct the quadratic variance estimation formula, and combine the conditions of invariance, unbiasedness, and minimum norm criterion to derive the minimum norm estimation formula of the variance-covariance component based on the equivalent conditional closure error. Second, least-squares variance component estimation(LS-VCE) method, minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimate (MINQUE) method and our proposed method are used to calculate the noise amplitude of simulated time series and North American GNSS station coordinate time series respectively, and the calculation time of our method and LS-VCE method are calculated.
      Results and Conclusions  The estimation effect of the MINQUE method is consistent, and its calculation time decreases over 70% of the LS-VCE method, which verifies the correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed method.


