
The Goneral Formulas of Helmert type for Estimating Variance and Covarince Caomponents

  • 摘要: 本文在概括函数模型和它的通用公式的基础上,导出了一个适用于所有平差方法的方差-协方差分量估计的通用公式,并由此给出方差分量估计的通用公式和简化的通用公式。


    Abstract: The estimates of variance components of Helmert type for both condition and parameter adjastmeat methods have been given in many geodetic literatures and corresponding simplified fofmulas have been respectively derived under some assumptions(e.g. the simplified formulas from Förstner,Ebner,Helmert,and Welsch,etc.) but the estimation formula of variance-covariance compnents of Helmert type is only given for the parameter adjustment.Based on a general functional model 1,a general formula of Helmert type for estimating variance-covariance components which is applicable to all adjustment methods has been derived in this paper,and directly from it a general formula and corresponding simplified formula for estimating variance components are also given.


