Water Color Constituents Remote Sensing in Wuhan Donghu Lake Using HJ-1A/B CCD Imagery
Graphical Abstract
The CCD sensors onboard HJ-1A/B satellite,launched on Sep.6,2008,have the superiorities of high spatial and temporal resolution in water environment monitoring for small lakes.Taking Donghu in Wuhan as an example,atmospheric correction of HJ-1A/B CCD imagery was carried out using fast line-of-sight atmospheric analysis of spectral hypercubes(FLAASH) model,in which aerosol optical depth was retrieved from synchronous MODIS-Terra data.Then an artificial neural network(ANN) algorithm for the retrieval of chlorophyll-a,suspended sediments and absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM) was established with in-situ data obtained in three consecutive years.The results show that,compared with the in-situ data,the mean relative errors of the retrieved suspended sediments,absorption coefficient of CDOM and chlorophyll-a are 28.052%,17.628% and 35.621% respectively,which can meet the requirement of monitoring water color elements in inland waters.