FANG Yunhao, ZHANG Wei, YUAN Nana, DING Wei. Comparative of Urban and Rural High Temperature Vulnerability Assessment in Wuhan Metropolis Based on Multi-source Data[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20230450
Citation: FANG Yunhao, ZHANG Wei, YUAN Nana, DING Wei. Comparative of Urban and Rural High Temperature Vulnerability Assessment in Wuhan Metropolis Based on Multi-source Data[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20230450

Comparative of Urban and Rural High Temperature Vulnerability Assessment in Wuhan Metropolis Based on Multi-source Data

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  • Received Date: March 24, 2024
  • Available Online: April 08, 2024
  • Objectives: Within the context of global warming and urban-rural integration, the adverse effects of elevated temperatures on the health and socio-economic well-being of urban and rural populations are progressively escalating. A scientific assessment of high-temperature vulnerability in both urban and rural areas, along with a comparison of their distinctions, can facilitate the development of tailored guidance for climate adaptation strategies. Methods: Firstly, using Wuhan Metropolis as a case study, this research integrated multi-source data to gauge the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptation factors related to high temperatures in urban and rural communities. Secondly, we assessed the differences in the spatial patterns and clustering characteristics of high temperature vulnerability between urban and rural communities. Finally, various types of heat-induced vulnerability factors were identified, and heat prevention strategies were proposed for urban and rural communities, respectively. Results: ① The hightemperature vulnerability of urban and rural communities exhibits a differentiated spatial distribution pattern. Urban areas display a "core-periphery" structure characterized by a gradual decrease in vulnerability from the center outward. In contrast, rural areas exhibit a "multi-pole" structure with generally low vulnerability values and localized high values. In urban areas, communities with higher and sub-higher levels of high-temperature vulnerability are more numerous, widely distributed, and have greater coverage compared to their rural counterparts. Consequently, urban areas face more severe challenges related to high-temperature vulnerability than rural areas. ② The Moran's I indices for urban and rural communities are 0.693 and 0.471, respectively, signifying a noteworthy spatial clustering of high-temperature vulnerability in both urban and rural contexts. Moreover, the spatial clustering effect of high-temperature vulnerability in urban communities surpasses that observed in rural areas. Additionally, the challenge of high-temperature vulnerability faced by rural communities cannot be disregarded, given the presence of the agglomeration effect. ③ There exists heterogeneity in the primary factors contributing to high-temperature vulnerability between urban and rural communities. In urban settings, this vulnerability predominantly stems from heightened temperature exposure, while in rural areas, it is chiefly attributed to a lack of adaptive capacity. Conclusions: These findings imply that distinct preventive strategies should be employed by urban and rural communities to address high-temperature vulnerability effectively.
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