The Correlation Between the Variation of PM2.5/PM10 and Precipitable Water Vapor Based on GPS and Radiosonde
Graphical Abstract
Based on the observation data of ground PM2.5/PM10, GPS Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) and Radiosonde PWV in Beijing in 2013, the change among PM2.5/PM10, GPS PWV and Radiosonde PWV per layer of PWV was compared. We found that there is significantly positive correlation between ground PM2.5/PM10 variation and ground GPS PWV change during autumn, winter, and spring. Such a correlation does not exist in the rainy summer months. According to the comparisons between ground PM2.5/PM10 observations and aerial PWV Radiosonde observations made in autumn, winter, and spring, the correlation between ground PM2.5/PM10 variation and total aerial PWV change is also significantly positively related. The correlation between PM2.5/PM10 variation and the 3th/4th water vapor layer (850-3 000 m) PWV change is the most significantly positively related value.