在分析Web GIS二次开发需求的基础上,提出了基于JavaBean的Web GIS组件概念,并详细阐述其特征、体系结构和空间数据组织;结合实例Internet GIS-GeoSurfV4.0介绍了系统的设计与实现以及二次开发的方法与比较。
Internet GIS based on JavaBean can be deployed into two tiers or N tiers application,which contains GIS browser,Web server,GIS application server and spatial database server.GIS browser is the Web browser which supports Java virtual machine,such as Netscape,Ineternet Explorer.Web Server is the server which supports WWW,servlet and JSP,such as iPlanet Web server.GIS application servers is the servers which finish the critical business logic,such as vector data service,image data service and DEM data service.Database server is the server which stores the spatial data.Spatial data organization on Internet is different from the traditional GIS.The goal is to access data simply and quickly.In general,it's geometry includes point,line,polygon and annotation.GeoSurfV4.0 is an example of Internet GIS software based on JavaBean.It contains four JavaBeans:GeoSurf2D,GeoSurf3D,GeoSurfTheme,GeoRouteServer.There are four different approaches to construct GIS application using component Internet GIS based on JavaBean:Java Application,Java Applet,Java Server Pages and Active Server Pages.