
Prospect on the Integration of GPS and INSAR Data

  • 摘要: 分析了GPS与INSAR数据融合的必要性与可行性,讨论了GPS与INSAR数据融合存在的主要问题,进一步探讨了利用GPS数据改善INSAR相位解缠算法,利用GPS与INSAR数据融合建立水汽模型和大气层延迟误差改正模型,以及GPS高时间分辨率和高平面位置精度与INSAR高空间分辨率和高高程变形精度有效统一的问题。


    Abstract: The necessity and feasibility of GPS and INSAR data integration are analyzed.The error correction in INSAR data by GPS measurement s is presented,including orbit error,co registration error,phase unwrapping error,DEM creation error,temporal decorrelation,and tropospheric delay error.The intetgration of GPS and INSA R data in both time and spatial domains by interpolation and filtering is discussed.


