
Computing the Singular Integrals in Physical Geodesy by Using Wavelet Theory

  • 摘要: 利用小波理论讨论了奇异积分的计算问题,用实例说明了一维情况下计算的快速性和准确性。与Fourier变换法相比,列举了小波理论的优点,肯定了在局部重力场研究中小波理论用于实际的重要性。


    Abstract: The computations of singular integrals are an important chain for practical applications of physical geodesy. It is our purpose in this paper to investigate the problem of computing singular integrals by means of wavelet theory. The fast operation and high precision have been illustrated by a practical example for one-dimension case. As a comparison with Fourier transform, kinds of advantages of wavelet theory have been shown up. Definetly to say, wavelet theory is a great important tool for practical applications to study local gravity field.


