
On the  Store  Strate gy of  Small Spatio-Temporal Data Files  in Cloud Environment

  • 摘要: 云环境下的网络应用中存在着海量的时空数据小文件针对HDFS处理小文件效率不高的问题提出了一种结合用户访问规律与数据自身属性的数据处理方案 该方案将用户访问转化为数据请求序列根据数据的时空属性提取并构建特征序列通过模板匹配找到用户在不同访问模式下的特征模板发现模板内文件之间的访问相关性合并相关文件 实验结果表明该方案有效地提高了系统对小文件的存储读取效率减小了网络应用的响应时间


    Abstract: Internet  applications  create massive small spatio-temporal  data  files  in  cloud  environments.Therefore a method aimin g to  raise  the processing efficienc y of  small files  in HDFSa data scheme combining user  access  and data  featuresis  proposed.This  scheme  re gards  a user  access  stream as  file re quest  se quenceand constructs  a characteristic  se quence by spatio-temporal  attribute  extraction.A characteristic  template  of  different  user  access  patterns  is  formed when anal yzin g the  characteristic  sequence by template matching.Then merger-related  files  are  anal yzed.Experimental  results  show that our scheme  improves  the  stora ge efficienc y for  small files and also  decreases network application  response times.


