
Extraction of  the Floor Area Ratio in  the Central District  of  Fuzhou Cit y Based on an Improved Shadow Index Model

  • 摘要: 设计提出了一种时间同步新体制即在GEO卫星上放置高精度氢钟并在GEO卫星间建立高精度星间链路以进行高精度时间维持利用两种方案进行了仿真比较研究 仿真结果表明本文提出的方案切实可行可以显著提升时间同步精度尤其是自主时间同步精度并得出了时间同步精度与星间链路精度和星载钟的精度关系 仿真结果表明星载钟精度对新体制时间同步精度的影响相对于星间链路精度的影响较小.


    Abstract: This paper  presents  a new method that  combines PCA with HSI to differentiate  and extract construction shadows  from hi gh resolution  remote  sensing images  and then calculates  each block  floorarea  ratio by using re gression  anal ysis.The  proposed method reduces  the  complexit y and  instabilit y when extracting floor  area  ratios  using the  traditional  method.Taking downtown Fuzhou as  an example we extracted  the  construction shadow and floor  area  ratio by the new methodto  compare  and validate  it  against  the  traditional  method.The results  show that  the  shadow index  from the new method  is more reliable  and precise  than  results  obtained from the  traditional  approach.


