Remote Sensing Image Database Based on RDBMS
摘要: 以OracleGeoRaster和ArcSDE为例,论述了基于扩展的面向对象关系数据库进行遥感影像建库和 基于中间件技术进行遥感影像建库的数据模型、数据存储方式、空间索引、数据管理与维护等问题。对遥感影 像建库实施的数据分块、影像金字塔的构建、数据压缩处理等具体问题进行了实验研究。Abstract: This paper discusses the data models, data storage, spatial index, data manipulation of remote sensing data management based on object oriented RDBMS and RDBMS middleware by taking Oracle Georasrer and ArcSDE as examples, and analyzes the relationship between image block size and RDBMS data block size, pyramid level, image compression ratio by taking the performance into consideration.