
Research on the Digital Camera Distortion Calibration

  • 摘要: 提出了一种检测面阵CCD数码相机畸变差的方法。首先利用标准三维检校场测定面阵CCD数码相 机的内方位元素和系统畸变系数,然后依据投影几何中空间直线经中心投影变换后仍是直线的原理,提出了 对面阵CCD数码相机随机畸变的检测和改正方法。利用该方法对UAVRS Ⅱ系统中的面阵数码相机的畸变 进行了检校,获取了满意的结果。


    Abstract: In this paper, an approach is presented to calibrate the distortion of CCD array digital cameras. Firstly, we use standard 3D calibration objects to determine the internal geometric and optical camera’s characteristics. Secondly, according to the principle that the projection of every line in space onto the camera is still a line if a camera follows the pinhole model, we propose a new method for calibrating the random distortion with good precision. Finally,we apply the approach to the calibrating process of the digital camera of UAVRS-Ⅱ system. Experiment results indicate that this kind of calibration method have reached successful test effect.


