Real-Time Kinematic Positioning Algorithm of GPS/BDS

  • 摘要: 目的 针对附加模糊度参数的Kalman滤波函数模型和随机模型,提出了一种确定实时动态(real-time kine-matic,RTK)定位中Kalman滤波参数的方法。利用该算法,采用自编的GPS/BDS RTK定位程序处理了实测的GPS/BDS短基线数据,对比和分析了GPS、BDS、GPS/BDS三种RTK定位组合模式下的定位精度水平。在短基线的情况下,GPS/BDS的RTK定位精度相对于GPS或者BDS没有明显提高,但是得到固定解所需的时间明显减少。


    Abstract: Objective Based on the Kalman filter function and stochastic models with ambiguity parameters,a newalgorithm is proposed for determining the parameters of the Kalman filter in RTK positioning.Theactual measured short baseline data of GPS/BDS is processed by a self-compiled GPS/BDS RTK posi-tioning program using this algorithm.It employs only a few epochs to give centimeter level positioningresults.Positioning results for three modes using BDS,GPS and BDS/GPS are compared and ana-lyzed.In case of short baselines,the RTK positioning accuracy of GPS/BDS is not improved noticea-bly relative to GPS or BDS.However it takes less time to get a fixed solution for GPS/BDS.This a-nalysis provide reference point for further GPS/BDS positioning research.


