Executed Object Model Based Software Process for Developing Communication System
Graphical Abstract
Developing communication system is very complex.As real-time software developers, we face a common challenge:the need to produce more products, in less time, and with fewer people.Yet the complexity of communication development projects steadily increases with the development of computer communication and network technologies, more complex function and services.On the top of these issues are the specific challenges of developing distributed real-time systems such as communication system-challenges like concurrency; the unpredictability of event timing, sequence, duration and volume; variable loads; and memory and performance limitations on the target. Object-oriented methods which fill up the rip between problem space and answer space are different from function decomposition based methods.Today, object-oriented analysis method has been applied in many computer areas.As we know, a new trend is that people begin to use standard OO modeling language such as UML.Another trend is that people use executed object based model to develop software system.Executed object model with state-of-the-art tools may translate these OO designs into program, then fill up the rip between design and implementation. Early, continuous design verification with traditional development tools, effectively understanding and communicating system concepts and functionality, can be a daunting task.With executed object based software developing tools, the models are executable.At any stage in development, developers can "animate" them to actually observe the design running.Developers build a little, test, build a little more, then test again.In this way, they cycle quickly through phases of analysis and design while continuously delivering increments of functionality.Even under the pressure of escalating complexity, design concepts are proven and optimized early in the design process.This early and continuous feedback can eliminate a host of costly errors later in the development cycle.It also means that designers can continually explore alternatives and refine their designs-with the certainty that they will work in the real world. Then a unified development process is constructed.Executed object model can also support software test and performance analysis as well.A real experiment showed that 93% of the code comprising the application were auto generated.Approximately 8 person-weeks of effort were required to develop, test, and implement the ATM application, resulting in productivity approximately 4 to 5 times greater than conventional design approaches.Some concepts, methods and techniques related to the executed object model for developing communication system are discussed in this paper.A general software process for developing communication system using executed object model is proposed in this paper.