An Algorithm of Adaptive Post-processing to Reduce the Block Artifacts in the Block-based Transform Image Coding Techniques
摘要: 针对在基于块变换的图像编码技术尤其在甚低速率视频编码技术中,块斑严重影响图像的主观质量问题,提出了一种复杂度低且效果比较明显的消除块效应的自适应后处理技术。模拟结果表明,该方法能够同时提高图像的客观峰值信噪比和主观视觉效果,具有较高的实用意义。Abstract: In the block-based transform image coding techniques,especially in the video coding at very low bit rate,block artifacts influence the subjective quality seriously.In this paper we propose an adaptive post-processing algorithm to reduce the block artifacts,which has the property of low computational burden and obvious effect.Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the subjective quality and objective PSNR of the coded image.