Advantages of Geodesic Coordinate System and Its Application to Exact Positioning of Large Cities
摘要: 为真正实现大城市中的精密定位,提出了直接采用区域性椭球面上的测地坐标代替高斯平面直角坐标以作控制网点平面位置的表述,分析了测地坐标系的优良性质,阐述了采用测地坐标系实现大城市精密定位的原理和方法,初步探索了其应用的可行性。Abstract: In order to realize the exact positioning of large cities,this paper puts forward a scheme in which the horizontal location of control points are denoted by geodesic coordinate system on the regional ellipsoidal surface,no more by Gauss coordinate system on Gaussian plane.The advantages of geodesic coordinate system are discussed.Then the principle and the procedures of applying geodesic coordinate system to the exact positioning of large cities are introduced.