A Method for Determining Orientation Parameters in Image-based Reconstruction of Architectural Scenes
摘要: 基于影像的三维重建需要确定影像的内、外方位元素,影像中的灭点为其提供了重要的线索,但灭点位置的不确定性,影响了方位元素计算的结果。通过分析灭点几何,建立了影像直线段与方位元素的直接联系,根据最小二乘平差的有关理论,给出了迭代计算影像的内、外方位元素的方法,并在三维重建的实践中进行了验证。Abstract: This paper describes a method for the determination of orientation parameters of the uncalibrated images involved in the image-based reconstruction of architectural scenes.This approach is implemented in a collection of the geometrically intuitive vanishing point method and conditional least squares adjustment with unknown parameters algorithm.We exploit the abundant parallel and orthogonal object lines to find out the vanishing point for the main direction and sequentially lead to the initial orientation parameters values.Then,more precise and stable values are found by an optimizing algorithm,based on conditional least squares adjustment with unknown parameters.During the iterative process in this algorithm,orientation parameters of the image are recalculated.Last,these orientation parameters are used to reconstruct textures landscape of the buildings by combining the vector and texture data in image.