
Cellular Automata Based on Geographic Feature and Urban Land Use Evolvement

  • 摘要: 将综合了几何和非几何属性的地理特征概念引入元胞自动机,构建了地理特征元胞自动机概念模型。通过对深圳特区土地利用演化的实证研究表明,地理特征CA可以更真实地描述元胞地理信息、局部空间关系和演化规则,理论上是可行的;基于地理特征的城市土地利用演化CA在城市规划中具有很大的应用价值。


    Abstract: This paper attempts to bring the geographic feature concept including geometry and non-geometry attribute to the CA, and constructs the concept model of CA based on geographic feature, and makes a case study on land use evolvement of Shenzhen city. Two conclusions are drawn:① CA based on geographic feature is feasible because it can more truly describe geographic information, local spatial relation and evolvement rule;② the CA model of urban land use evolvement has great practical value in urban planning.


