
Key Issues on Quality Standardization of Geospatial Data

  • 摘要: 引入空间数据质量维的概念,在比较分析几个标准化组织提出的空间数据质量内容组成的基础上,结合我国的特点和现实要求,提出了一套可供参考的空间数据质量元素和子元素。分析了空间数据质量的3种评价模式,并将ISO/TC211的加权平均法和我国的缺陷扣分法结合,提出了基于加权平均的缺陷扣分评价方法,给出了这种方法的实现流程。


    Abstract: On the basis of the concept of geospatial data quality, this paper introduces the dimensions of geospatial data quality for further understanding the components. The quality dimensions include spatial dimension, temporal dimension and thematic dimension. For each dimension, there are several quality components. A serials of geospatial data non-quantitative quality elements, quantitative quality elements and subelements are proposed as a reference of geospatial data quality components standardization for China. This paper discusses measures and evaluation methods for geospatial data quality and lists four types of geospatial data quality measures and gives a simple guide about how to select a suitable measure for a subelement. Through combining the weighted and aggregated quality evaluation method of ISO/TC211 and negative scores quality evaluation method based on quality effect in China, a kind of new quality evaluation method is introduced, and the operation procedures is illustrated.


