
An Analysis of Traditional Chinese Architectural and Garden Design from the Viewpoint of Chaology and Fractal Geometry

  • 摘要: 本文将混沌分形等现代科学前沿迅速发展的非线性系统科学理论,引入到对中国古典建筑、园林和城市规划及其空间分析与设计的理论基础——"风水"理论的研究中,从而在对传统建筑与城市空间理念进行整体性抽象继承的基础上,为探索和发展新的空间分析与设计的理论和方法提供了新思路。


    Abstract: In this paper,chaology,fractal geometry and other related newly developed non-linear theories have been introduced into the study of traditional Chinese architectural and garden design,and "Feng- shui",the theoretical source of space analysis and design.We argue that traditional Chinese architectural space concept is a kind of chaological space concept,and its form generation mechanism is more related to fractal geometry,which pursues a non-linear order (involving both linear and non linear transformations).On this basis,we proposed a study on "chaotic/fractal architecture",a set of new theories and methods for architectural and urban space analysis and design.


