
An Algebraic Model of Structure of Temporal Objects

  • 摘要: 论文引入元组、集合、序列和时态4个基本构造子来建立时态对象结构的代数模型,同时例证了各种传统时态关系模型向时态对象模型的转化。研究表明,时态对象模型在复杂结构和时态语义建模方面比时态关系模型更具优势。


    Abstract: In this paper, four constructors, i. e., tuple, set, list and temporal constructors were introduced to construct an algebraic model of structure of temporal objects. Transfor-mations from various traditional temporal relational data models to the temporal object model were illustrated. The study has shown that the algebraic model of structure of temporal objects has more advantages over temporal relational models in complex structures and temporal semantics modeling.


