
A Comparison and Their Inertial Properties of Two Kinds of Geocentral Reference Systems

  • 摘要: 本文讨论了地心恒星参考系和地心本征参考系的惯性性质,指出在距离地心160公里范围之外的空间,地心恒星参考系的惯性性质优于地心本征参考系。然而,为了研究人造卫星系统内部的某些效应,则以建立原点位于人造卫星质心的卫星本征参考系为佳。


    Abstract: In this paper, the authors discussed the inertial properties of the geocentral stellar reference system (GSS) and the geocentral innate reference system (GIS), and pointed out that, in the region where, for an arbitrary point P, the distance from P to the Earth's centeris larger than 160 km ,GSS is better than GIS. However, to study some effects in the system of artificial satellite, it is better to choose a satellite stellar reference system whose center is located at the mass center of the artificial satellite.


