
Weighing of the Precise Gravity Network and Its System Effect

  • 摘要: 对于精密重力网,如何确定各类观测值的权,如何剔除相对重力仪过多的参数,是目前尚未解决好的两个问题。本文讨论了利用方差分量估计确定各类观测值的权,利用几种假设检验选择附加参数的方法以及相关的几个问题。经过计算和比较分析,得到了较好的结果。


    Abstract: There are still two problems unsolved in the precise gravity networks:One is how to weight various observations;the other is how to cancal the unecessary parameters of the retative gravity meters.It is discussed in this paper to define the weights of various observations by use of vaviance component estimation and to select the additional parametrers by use of several kinds of hypothesis test.Through computation,comparision and analysis,some results have been obtained.


