Landsat TM Data Precision Processing and Digital Compound of Multidata
摘要: 本文以利用试验区TM影象为例,介绍了TM影象数据精加工处理的原理、方法和精度。TM影象经计算机精加工后,可以达到1:10万比例尺地形图的平面点位精度要求。本文还介绍了非遥感数据与遥感数据数字复合的原理和工作流程。多种数据复合有利于提高目视判读、自动识别分类、野外取样和定位的精度和速度。Abstract: This paper describes the principle, method and accuracy used to precision process-ing TM data. Planimetric accuracy of precision processed TM data can meet requirments of 1:100000 map. The principle and procedure relating to compound of both non-remote sensing dataand remote sensing data is also described in this paper. Compound multidata canimprove accuracy and speed of visual interpretation, autoclassification, field samplingand positioning.