
A Fuzz Mathematical Method for College and University Graduate Job Assignment

  • 摘要: 本文用模糊数学原理建立了高等学校毕业生分配工作的数学模型,其中各因素的权重排序由层次分析法确立。通过梯形分布建立模糊分布,排除了各方面人为因素的干扰,并用实例说明了这种方法的可行性和可靠性。


    Abstract: In this paper, a mathematical model is set up for college and university graduatejob assignment based on fuzzy theory. The weight sequencing of elements is determinedby hierarchy analysis. The fuzzy distribution is established by means of trapezoidal dis-tribution, which results in a more scientific and reasonable job assignment for collegeand university graduates free from human interference. In the paper, instances are citedto illustrate this method, which has been proved feasible and reliable.


