On the Theoretic Precision of Least Squares Matching Based on Features
摘要: 本文对SODAMS中采用的新的特征提取方法和基于特征的最小二乘匹配的精度以及特征的信噪比、特征检测的若干阈值、特征的倾斜度与精度的关系、特征线方向与精度的关系等问题,进行了分析与讨论。分析表明,在比较理想的情况下,基于特征的最小二乘匹配的精度可达1μm以下。Abstract: This paper discusses a new approach of feature extraction used by SODAMS, the precision of least squares matching based on features, the signal-to-noise ratio of features and some thresholds used in feature detection. The analysis shows how precision depends on the gradient of the feature and on the direction of the edge line. The optimal precision of least squares matching based on features can be tess than 1μm.